1 The registration number assigned to the unit by the Minister under subsection 7(3) of these Regulations.
2 The following information about the unit:
(a) an indication of whether the unit is subject to an exemption, under subsection 14(1) of these Regulations, from the application of subsection 9(1) of these Regulations for the calendar year that is the subject of the report;
(b) an indication of whether a declaration of net supply has been submitted in accordance with subsections 14(2) to (4) of these Regulations with respect to the facility where the unit is located;
(d) an indication of whether the unit was designated as a substitute unit under section 32 of these Regulations for the calendar year that is the subject of the report and, if so, the following information:
(i) with respect to the unit for which it is being substituted,
(ii) an explanation of how the conditions set out in subsection 32(1) of these Regulations were met,
(iii) the information referred to in subsection 32(2) of these Regulations, and
3 The unit’s emission limit for the calendar year that is the subject of the report, determined in accordance with section 9 of these Regulations.
4 The net supply, for the calendar year that is the subject of the report, from the facility where the unit is located and the values determined for Qt, Qr, Qa, Qna and Qec in subsection 13(2) of these Regulations, expressed in GWh, that were used to calculate that net supply.
5 The following information about the quantity of CO2 emissions attributed to the unit for the calendar year that is the subject of the report:
(a) the value determined for E in accordance with subsection 12(1) of these Regulations, expressed in tonnes;
(b) with respect to the quantity of CO2 emissions from the combustion of fossil fuel in the unit (Eu),
(i) if the quantity is determined in accordance with section 15 of these Regulations, that quantity, expressed in tonnes, and, if section 17 of these Regulations applies to the unit, the values determined for Qu,j, HHVu,j, Qi,j, HHVi,j and E in that section, expressed in the applicable units of measurement, used to determine the quantity of CO2 emissions attributed to the unit,
(ii) if the quantity is determined in accordance with section 16 of these Regulations, that quantity, expressed in tonnes, as well as
(A) the values determined for Ecomb, Vff, Qi, Fc,i, HHVi, VT and ES in subsection 16(1) of these Regulations, expressed in the applicable units of measurement, and
(B) if section 17 of these Regulations applies to the unit, the values determined for Qu,j, HHVu,j, Qi,j, HHVi,j and E in that section, expressed in the applicable units of measurement, used to determine the quantity of CO2 emissions attributed to the unit,
(iii) if the quantity is determined in accordance with section 19 of these Regulations, that quantity, expressed in tonnes, as well as
(B) the values determined for Vf, CCA, MMA, MVcf, Mf, CCi and Qi in subsections 20(1) and (4) of these Regulations, expressed in the applicable units of measurement,
(C) the values determined for Vtotal and VRNG in subsection 20(2) of these Regulations, expressed in m3 at standard conditions, and
(D) with respect to the data used to determine the value of CCA in subsection 20(4) of these Regulations, an indication of the standard or method, including use of a direct measuring device, used to measure the carbon content of fuel samples or composite samples, as the case may be, or if the carbon content of a fuel was provided by the supplier of the fuel, an indication of the methods used to measure the carbon content of the fuel samples or composite samples, as the case may be;
(c) if applicable, the following information about the quantity of CO2 emissions attributed to the production of useful thermal energy by the unit (Eth):
(i) the quantity determined in accordance with section 21 of these Regulations, expressed in tonnes, and
(ii) the values determined for Hpnet, hout, Mout, hin and Min in section 21 of these Regulations, expressed in the applicable units of measurement;
(d) if applicable, the following information about the quantity of CO2 emissions attributed to electricity generated by the unit that is used internally at the facility (Eint):
(i) the quantity determined in accordance with section 22 of these Regulations, expressed in tonnes, and
(ii) the values determined for Gint, GF and GU in section 22 of these Regulations, expressed in GWh;
(e) if applicable, the following information about the quantity of CO2 that is captured from the unit and stored in a storage project (Eccs):
(i) the quantity determined in accordance with subsection 23(1) of these Regulations, expressed in tonnes,
(ii) the values determined for Ecap and Ein in subsection 23(1) of these Regulations, expressed in tonnes, and
(iii) information demonstrating that the CO2 was captured, transported and permanently stored in accordance with subsection 23(2) of these Regulations;
(f) if applicable, the following information about the quantity of CO2 emissions from the production of the hydrogen, ammonia or steam used by the unit to generate electricity (Eext):
(i) the quantity determined in accordance with section 24 of these Regulations, expressed in tonnes, and
(ii) the values determined for Ek, Pk and Qk in section 24 of these Regulations, expressed in tonnes, m3 or GJ, as applicable; and
(g) if applicable, the following information about the quantity of CO2 emissions attributed to the unit for each deduction period (Eec):
(i) the quantity determined in accordance with section 27 of these Regulations, expressed in tonnes, and
(ii) the values determined for Eu, Eth, Eint, Eccs and Eext in subsection 27(1) of these Regulations, expressed in tonnes.
6 If biomass was combusted in the unit during the calendar year that is the subject of the report,
(a) an explanation of how the combusted material is biomass as defined in subsection 2(1) of these Regulations; and
7 If a CEMS was used to measure CO2 emissions from the unit during the calendar year that is the subject of the report, a copy of the CEMS report referred to in subsection 18(3) of these Regulations.
8 If, in order to determine the value of Vf in paragraph 20(1)(a) of these Regulations, a volume was claimed for VRNG in subsection 20(2) of these Regulations, the following information in relation to each producer of renewable natural gas supplied to the unit during the calendar year that is the subject of the report:
(g) information demonstrating that the conditions referred to in paragraphs 20(3)(e) and (f) of these Regulations are met.
9 The following information about each deduction period during the calendar year that is the subject of the report:
(a) a description of the irresistible emergency event or risk to human health and safety referred to in paragraph 25(1)(a) of these Regulations, including
(c) information demonstrating that the unit was directed by the electricity system operator to generate electricity due to an event or risk referred to in paragraph 25(1)(a) of these Regulations;
(d) the date on which the Minister was notified that a direction referred to in paragraph 25(1)(d) of these Regulations was given; and
(e) if an application for an extension of the deduction period was submitted to the Minister under section 26 of these Regulations,
10 The following information for the calendar year that is the subject of the report:
(a) the difference between the emission limit for the unit determined in accordance with subsection 9(1) of these Regulations and the value determined for E in accordance with subsection 12(1) of these Regulations;
(b) an indication of whether the unit became subject to an emission limit under subsection 9(1) of these Regulations on or after July 1 of that calendar year; and
(c) an indication of whether the unit meets the conditions for the issuance of transferable compliance credits set out in subsection 31(1) and 32(3) of these Regulations and, if so, an explanation of how the conditions are met.
11 If replacement data referred to in section 35 of these Regulations was used during the calendar year that is the subject of the report, the total number of hours for which replacement data was used during the calendar year and the following information about the replacement data that was used for each given period during the calendar year:
(a) the reason why the data required to determine the value of a variable in a formula referred to in these Regulations was missing for a period of the calendar year and an explanation of how that reason was beyond the responsible person’s control;
(c) the value determined for the variable referred to in paragraph (b), along with details of that determination, including