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  1. Proclamation Declaring the Representation Order to be in Force Effective on the First Dissolution of Parliament that Occurs after May 1, 2014 - SI/2013-102 (SCHEDULE : Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act)



    Consisting of that part of the Province of Saskatchewan described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377 with Highway No. 4; thence generally easterly along said highway to the north boundary of Sec 18 Tp 39 R 14 W 3; thence east along said boundary and the north boundary of Sec 17 Tp 39 R 14 W 3 to the west boundary of Sec 21 Tp 39 R 14 W 3; thence north along said boundary and the west boundary of Sec 28 and 33 Tp 39 R 14 W 3, Sec 4, 9, 16, 21, 28 and 33 Tp 40 R 14 W 3 and Sec 4 and 9 Tp 41 R 14 W 3 to the south boundary of Sec 17 Tp 41 R 14 W 3; thence west along said boundary to the west boundary of Sec 17 Tp 41 R 14 W 3; thence north along said boundary and the west boundary of Sec 20, 29 and 32 Tp 41 R 14 W 3 to the North Saskatchewan River; thence generally easterly along said river to the production of the unnamed road and the west boundary of Sec 31 Tp 41 R 13 W 3; thence northerly along said production, the unnamed road and its intermittent productions to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Douglas No. 436; thence westerly, northerly and easterly along the southerly, westerly and northerly limits of said rural municipality to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Meeting Lake No. 466; thence generally northerly and easterly along the westerly and northerly limits of said rural municipality to the westerly boundary of Mosquito Grizzly Bear’s Head Lean Man TLE Indian Reserve No. 1; thence northwesterly, northerly, easterly and southerly along the westerly, northerly and easterly boundaries of said Indian reserve to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Meeting Lake No. 466; thence easterly along said limit and the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Leask No. 464 and the Resort Village of Pebble Baye to the westerly boundary of Mistawasis Indian Reserve No. 103C; thence southerly and easterly along the westerly and southerly boundaries of said Indian reserve to the westerly boundary of Mistawasis Indian Reserve No. 103; thence southerly, easterly and northerly along the westerly, southerly and easterly boundaries of said Indian reserve to the southerly boundary of Mistawasis Indian Reserve No. 103B; thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and easterly boundaries of said Indian reserve to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Leask No. 464; thence easterly, southerly and easterly along the northerly and easterly limits of said rural municipality to the North Saskatchewan River; thence generally southwesterly along said river to the westerly production of the unnamed road and the south boundary of Sec 5 Tp 47 R 3 W 3; thence generally easterly along said production and said unnamed road to its intersection with an unnamed road at approximate latitude 53°02′23″N and longitude 106°10′02″W; thence generally southeasterly along said unnamed road to the east boundary of Sec 17 Tp 46 R 1 W 3; thence south along said boundary and south and west along the east and south boundaries of Sec 8 Tp 46 R 1 W 3 to the east boundary of Sec 6 Tp 46 R 1 W 3; thence south along said boundary and the east boundary of Sec 31 Tp 45 R 1 W 3 to the north boundary of Sec 29 Tp 45 R 1 W 3; thence east along the north boundary of Sec 29, 28 and 27 Tp 45 R 1 W 3 to the west boundary of Sec 35 Tp 45 R 1 W 3; thence north and east along the west and north boundaries of Sec 35 Tp 45 R 1 W 3 to the north boundary of Sec 36 Tp 45 R 1 W 3; thence east along said boundary to the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Duck Lake No. 463; thence southerly along said limit to the South Saskatchewan River; thence generally westerly and generally southerly along said river to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Fish Creek No. 402; thence generally easterly along the northerly limit of said rural municipality to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Hoodoo No. 401; thence northerly, easterly and generally southerly along the westerly, northerly and easterly limits of said rural municipality to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Three Lakes No. 400; thence easterly and generally southerly along the northerly and easterly limits of said rural municipality to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of St. Peter No. 369; thence easterly, generally southerly and westerly along the northerly, easterly and southerly limits of said rural municipality to the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Humboldt No. 370; thence westerly along the southerly limit of the rural municipalities of Humboldt No. 370, Bayne No. 371, Grant No. 372 and Aberdeen No. 373 to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Aberdeen No. 373 and Highway No. 5; thence westerly along said highway to the easterly limit of the City of Saskatoon; thence generally northwesterly along the easterly and northerly limits of the City of Saskatoon to the intersection of Wanuskewin Road with 71st Street East; thence northerly along Wanuskewin Road and Range Road 3052 to Highway No. 11; thence generally southwesterly along said highway to the easterly production of 71st Street West; thence westerly along said production and 71st Street West to Thatcher Avenue; thence southerly along said avenue to Marquis Drive; thence westerly and southwesterly along said drive and Beam Road to the westerly limit of the City of Saskatoon (Range Road 3060); thence generally southerly and generally southeasterly along the westerly limit of the City of Saskatoon to the South Saskatchewan River; thence generally southerly along said river and its production along the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Fertile Valley No. 285 to Highway No. 44; thence westerly along the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Fertile Valley No. 285 to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Milden No. 286; thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly limits of said rural municipality to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of St. Andrews No. 287; thence westerly along said limit to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Pleasant Valley No. 288; thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly limits of said rural municipality to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Mountain View No. 318; thence westerly, northerly and easterly along the southerly, westerly and northerly limits of said rural municipality to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Biggar No. 347; thence generally northerly, generally easterly and northerly along the westerly and northerly limits of said rural municipality to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377; thence generally northerly along said limit to the point of commencement.


    10. Saskatoon — Grasswood


    Consisting of those parts of the City of Saskatoon and the Rural Municipality of Corman Park No. 344 described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Corman Park No. 344 with Highway No. 5; thence westerly and southwesterly along said highway and College Drive to McKercher Drive; thence southerly along said drive to 8th Street East; thence westerly along said street to Idylwyld Drive South; thence northerly along said drive to the South Saskatchewan River; thence generally southwesterly along said river to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Corman Park No. 344; thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and easterly limits of said rural municipality to the point of commencement.

    11. Saskatoon — University


    Consisting of that part of the City of Saskatoon described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the South Saskatchewan River with the northerly limit of the City of Saskatoon; thence generally southeasterly and southerly along the northerly and easterly limits of said city to Highway No. 5; thence westerly and southwesterly along said highway and College Drive to McKercher Drive; thence southerly along said drive to 8th Street East; thence westerly along said street to Idylwyld Drive South; thence generally northerly along said drive to the South Saskatchewan River; thence generally northeasterly along said river to the easterly production of 33rd Street East; thence westerly along said production and 33rd Street East to Warman Road; thence generally northerly along said road and Wanuskewin Road to the northerly limit of the City of Saskatoon at approximate latitude 52°11′43″N and longitude 106°37′23″W; thence easterly along said limit to the South Saskatchewan River; thence generally northerly along said river to the point of commencement.

    12. Saskatoon West


    Consisting of those parts of the Province of Saskatchewan and the City of Saskatoon described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Highway No. 11 with Range Road 3052; thence southerly along Range Road 3052 and Wanuskewin Road to the easterly limit of the City of Saskatoon; thence generally southerly along said limit to Wanuskewin Road at approximate latitude 52°11′43″N and longitude 106°37′23″W; thence generally southerly along said road and Warman Road to 33rd Street East; thence easterly along said street and its production to the South Saskatchewan River; thence generally southwesterly along said river to the southerly limit of the City of Saskatoon; thence southwesterly, generally northwesterly and generally northeasterly along the southerly, westerly and northerly limits of said city to Beam Road; thence easterly and northeasterly along said road to Marquis Drive; thence easterly along said drive to Thatcher Avenue; thence northerly along said avenue to 71st Street West; thence easterly along said street to Highway No. 11 (the northwesterly limit of the City of Saskatoon); thence northerly and northeasterly along said highway and said limit to the point of commencement.


  2. Proclamation Declaring the Representation Order to be in Force Effective on the First Dissolution of Parliament that Occurs after August 25, 2004 - SI/2003-154 (SCHEDULE : Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act)



    Consisting of those parts of the Province of Saskatchewan and the City of Saskatoon described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the south boundary of Tp 25 with the South Saskatchewan River at Gordon McKenzie Arm; thence generally northerly along said arm, Thomson Arm and the South Saskatchewan River to the westerly production of 8th Street West in the City of Saskatoon; thence easterly along said production, 8th Street West and 8th Street East to the easterly limit of said city; thence northwesterly along said limit to Highway No. 5; thence northeasterly and easterly along said highway and its production to the east boundary of R 22 W 2; thence south along the east boundary of R 22 W 2 to the north boundary of Tp 33; thence east along the north boundary of Tp 33 to the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Prairie Rose No. 309; thence generally southerly along said limit to the south boundary of Tp 31; thence west along the south boundary of Tp 31 to the east boundary of R 28 W 2; thence south along the east boundary of R 28 W 2 to the south boundary of Tp 28; thence west along the south boundary of Tp 28 to the east boundary of R 4 W 3; thence south along the east boundary of R 4 W 3 to the south boundary of Tp 25; thence west along the south boundary of Tp 25 to the point of commencement.


    9. Saskatoon — Humboldt


    Consisting of those parts of the Province of Saskatchewan and the City of Saskatoon described as follows: commencing at the northwest corner of the Rural Municipality of Barrier Valley No. 397; thence generally southerly along the westerly limit of the rural municipalities of Barrier Valley No. 397, Ponass Lake No. 367 and Lakeview No. 337 to the south boundary of Tp 34; thence west along the south boundary of Tp 34 to the west boundary of R 21 W 2; thence north along the west boundary of R 21 W 2 to the south boundary of Tp 37; thence west along the south boundary of Tp 37 to the easterly limit of the City of Saskatoon; thence southwesterly and southeasterly along said limit to 8th Street East; thence westerly along said street, 8th Street West and its production to the South Saskatchewan River; thence generally northeasterly along said river to the southwesterly corner of the Rural Municipality of Birch Hills No. 460; thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and easterly limits of said rural municipality to the northwesterly corner of the Rural Municipality of Invergordon No. 430; thence easterly and southerly along the northerly and easterly limits of said rural municipality to the north boundary of Tp 42; thence east along the north boundary of Tp 42 to the point of commencement.

    10. Saskatoon — Rosetown — Biggar


    Consisting of those parts of the Province of Saskatchewan and the City of Saskatoon described as follows: commencing at the southwest corner of Tp 28 R 18 W 3; thence north along the west boundary of R 18 W 3 to the north boundary of Tp 33; thence east along the north boundary of Tp 33 to the west boundary of R 17 W 3; thence north along the west boundary of R 17 W 3 to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Rosemount No. 378; thence easterly along said limit to the west boundary of R 15 W 3; thence north along the west boundary of R 15 W 3 to the southerly boundary of Red Pheasant Indian Reserve No. 108; thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and easterly boundaries of said Indian reserve to the north boundary of Tp 40; thence east along the north boundary of Tp 40 to the west boundary of R 14 W 3; thence north along the west boundary of R 14 W 3 to the North Saskatchewan River; thence southeasterly and easterly along said river to Highway No. 16; thence easterly and southeasterly along said highway to the east boundary of R 7 W 3; thence south along the east boundary of R 7 W 3 to the north boundary of Tp 36; thence east along the north boundary of Tp 36 and continuing easterly along 33rd Street West in the City of Saskatoon to Circle Drive; thence northeasterly and easterly along said drive to Idylwyld Drive North; thence southerly along said drive to the South Saskatchewan River; thence generally southerly along said river to the south boundary of Tp 31; thence west along the south boundary of Tp 31 to the east boundary of R 13 W 3; thence south along the east boundary of R 13 W 3 to the south boundary of Tp 28; thence west along the south boundary of Tp 28 to the point of commencement.

    11. Saskatoon — Wanuskewin


    Consisting of those parts of the Province of Saskatchewan and the City of Saskatoon described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the west boundary of R 13 W 3 with the North Saskatchewan River; thence north along the west boundary of R 13 W 3 to the north boundary of Tp 45; thence east along the north boundary of Tp 45 to the west boundary of R 12 W 3; thence north along the west boundary of R 12 W 3 to the north boundary of Tp 48; thence east along the north boundary of Tp 48 to the westerly boundary of Mistawasis Indian Reserve No. 103; thence southerly, easterly and northerly along the westerly, southerly and easterly boundaries of said Indian reserve to the north boundary of Tp 48; thence east along the north boundary of Tp 48 to the east boundary of R 4 W 3; thence south along the east boundary of R 4 W 3 to the north boundary of Tp 47; thence east along the north boundary of Tp 47 to the North Saskatchewan River; thence generally northeasterly and southerly along said river to the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Duck Lake No. 463; thence southerly along said limit to the South Saskatchewan River; thence generally southwesterly along said river to Idylwyld Drive North in the City of Saskatoon; thence northerly along said drive to Circle Drive; thence westerly and southwesterly along said drive to 33rd Street West; thence westerly along said street and the north boundary of Tp 36 to the west boundary of R 6 W 3; thence north along the west boundary of R 6 W 3 to Highway No. 16; thence northwesterly and westerly along said highway to the North Saskatchewan River; thence westerly and northwesterly along said river to the point of commencement.


  3. Saskatoon Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/87-706 (SCHEDULE)



    The airport reference point, shown on Saskatoon Airport Zoning Plan No. E.1754 dated June 12, 1984, is described as follows:

    Premising that the bearings hereinafter mentioned are astronomical and are referred to the centre line of strip 08R-26L of the Saskatoon Airport, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan as South 79°01′20″ East; Commencing at the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of Section 13, Township 37, Range 6, West of the 3rd Meridian; thence southerly along the easterly boundary of the said southeast quarter of Section 13 a distance of 198.27 m more or less to an intersection with the centre line of strip 08R-26L; thence South 79°01′20″ East along the said centre line a distance of 940.25 m more or less to an intersection with the centre line of strip 14-32; thence South 49°01′20″ East a distance of 822.96 m to a point designated as the Airport Reference Point.


    The approach surfaces, shown on Saskatoon Airport Zoning Plan No. E.1754 dated June 12, 1984, are surfaces abutting each end of the strips associated with the runways designated 14-32, 08R-26L and 08L-26R and are described as follows:


    The outer surface, shown on Saskatoon Airport Zoning Plan No. E.1754 dated June 12, 1984, is an imaginary surface located at a common plane established at a constant elevation of 45 m above the elevation of the airport reference point, except that, where that common plane is less than 9 m above the surface of the ground, the outer surface is an imaginary surface located at 9 m above the surface of the ground.


    The strips shown on Saskatoon Airport Zoning Plan No. E.1754 dated June 12, 1984 are described as follows:


    The transitional surfaces, shown on Saskatoon Airport Zoning Plan No. E.1754 dated June 12, 1984, are described as follows:


    The boundary of the outer limits of lands, shown on Saskatoon Airport Zoning Plan No. E.1754 dated June 12, 1984, is described as follows:


  4. Proclamation Declaring the Representation Orders to be in Force Effective on the First Dissolution of Parliament that Occurs after April 22, 2024 - SI/2023-57 (SCHEDULE A : ELECTORAL BOUNDARIES READJUSTMENT ACT)



    9. Saskatoon South


    Consists of that part of the City of Saskatoon described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the easterly limit of said city with Highway 5; thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly limits of said city to the South Saskatchewan River; thence northeasterly along said river to the westerly production of 8th Street West; thence easterly along said production, 8th Street West and 8th Street East to McKercher Drive; thence northerly along said drive to Highway 5 (College Drive); thence easterly, northeasterly and easterly along said highway to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the City of Saskatoon described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the South Saskatchewan River and the northerly limit of said city; thence generally southeasterly and southerly along the northerly and easterly limits of said city to Highway 5; thence westerly and southwesterly along said highway to McKercher Drive; thence southerly along said drive to 8th Street East; thence westerly along said street, 8th Street West and its production to the South Saskatchewan River; thence generally northeasterly along said river to the easterly production of 33rd Street East; thence westerly along said production and 33rd Street East to Warman Road; thence generally northerly along said road and Wanuskewin Road to a point at approximate latitude 52°11′43″N and longitude 106°37′22″W; thence easterly in a straight line to the South Saskatchewan River at approximate latitude 52°11′43″N and longitude 106°36′50″W; thence generally northeasterly along said river to the point of commencement.

    11. Saskatoon West


    Consists of that part of the City of Saskatoon described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said city and the South Saskatchewan River; thence generally southwesterly along said river to a point at approximate latitude 52°11′43″N and longitude 106°36′50″W; thence westerly in a straight line to Wanuskewin Road; thence generally southerly along said road and Warman Road to 33rd Street East; thence easterly along said street and its production to the South Saskatchewan River; thence generally southwesterly along said river to the southerly limit of said city; thence generally westerly, northerly, easterly and southerly along the southerly, westerly and northerly limits of said city to the point of commencement.


  5. Canada Labour Standards Regulations - C.R.C., c. 986 (SCHEDULE I)



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      • Saskatoon Operation
      • Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
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      • Saskatoon Terminal
      • Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


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    • 19 
      Saskatchewan Operating Area, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan





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