1 Alaksen National Wildlife Area
In the Province of British Columbia; in Group 2, New Westminster Land District; in the Delta District Municipality;
All those parcels of land more particularly described under Firstly to Thirdly as follows:
Secondly, that parcel being the whole of Parcel F of District Lots 190, 192A, 193, 194, 597 and 598, as shown on Reference Plan 57378 deposited in the land title office at New Westminster, a copy of which is recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa as Plan 79512, containing about 283.15 hectares save and except thereout:
2 Widgeon Valley National Wildlife Area
Being all those parcels of land, in New Westminster District, in township 41, east of the Coast Meridian according to a plan of said township approved and confirmed by E. Deville, Surveyor General, April 25, 1913, the southwest quarter and legal subdivisions 2, 7, 11 and 14 of section 12, said quarter and legal subdivision including the bed of any lake or stream lying therein and containing together 308.8 acres, more or less.