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  1. First Nations Property Assessment and Taxation (Railway Rights-of-Way) Regulations - SOR/2007-277 (SCHEDULE 1)


    Right-of-Way Areas

    Item Column 1 Column 2
    First Nation Description of Right-of-way Area
    1 Leq’a:mel First Nation
    • (a) In the Province of British Columbia

      In New Westminster District


    • (b) In the Province of British Columbia

      In New Westminster District

      All those lands within Holachten Indian Reserve No. 8 shown as the Canadian Pacific Railway Main Line Right of Way on Plans RR2009 and RR1473A recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records in Ottawa. Copies of those plans are deposited in the New Westminster Land Title Office under numbers 908 and 2887.


    4 Chawathil First Nation
    • [...]

    • (d) In the Province of British Columbia

      In Yale Division of Yale District

      All that parcel of land containing an area of 0.06 hectares (0.15 acres) more or less, shown on Plan 48856 deposited in the New Westminster Land Title Office; a copy of which is recorded under number 58901 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records in Ottawa.

    5 Matsqui First Nation

    In the Province of British Columbia

    In New Westminster District



  2. Proclamation Declaring the Representation Orders to be in Force Effective on the First Dissolution of Parliament that Occurs after April 22, 2024 - SI/2023-57 (SCHEDULE A : ELECTORAL BOUNDARIES READJUSTMENT ACT)



    20. New Westminster — Burnaby — Maillardville


    • (a) the City of New Westminster;


    • (a) that part of the City of Richmond lying westerly and northerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said city and Highway 99; thence generally southeasterly along said highway to Cambie Road; thence westerly along said road to No. 4 Road; thence southerly along said road to Westminster Highway; thence westerly along said highway to No. 3 Road; thence southerly along said road to Williams Road; thence westerly along said road and its production to the westerly limit of said city; and


    Consists of that part of the Metro Vancouver Regional District comprising: that part of the City of Richmond lying easterly and southerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said city and Highway 99; thence generally southeasterly along said highway to Cambie Road; thence westerly along said road to No. 4 Road; thence southerly along said road to Westminster Highway; thence westerly along said highway to No. 3 Road; thence southerly along said road to Williams Road; thence westerly along said road and its production to the westerly limit of said city.


  3. Proclamation Declaring the Representation Order to be in Force Effective on the First Dissolution of Parliament that Occurs after May 1, 2014 - SI/2013-102 (SCHEDULE : Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act)



    19. New Westminster — Burnaby


    Consisting of those parts of the Greater Vancouver Regional District comprised of:

    • [...]

    • (b) the City of New Westminster.


    Consisting of that part of the City of Richmond lying westerly and northerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said city with the Oak Street Bridge (Highway No. 99); thence southeasterly along said bridge and Highway No. 99 (Fraser-Delta Thruway) to Cambie Road; thence westerly along said road to No. 4 Road; thence southerly along No. 4 Road to Westminster Highway; thence westerly along said highway to No. 3 Road; thence southerly along said road to Steveston Highway; thence westerly along said highway and its production to the westerly limit of said city.


    Consisting of that part of the City of Richmond lying easterly and southerly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of said city with the Oak Street Bridge (Highway No. 99); thence southeasterly along said bridge and Highway No. 99 (Fraser-Delta Thruway) to Cambie Road; thence westerly along said road to No. 4 Road; thence southerly along No. 4 Road to Westminster Highway; thence westerly along said highway to No. 3 Road; thence southerly along said road to Steveston Highway; thence westerly along said highway and its production to the westerly limit of said city.


  4. Proclamation Declaring the Representation Order to be in Force Effective on the First Dissolution of Parliament that Occurs after August 25, 2004 - SI/2003-154 (SCHEDULE : Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act)



    3. Burnaby — New Westminster


    • [...]

    • (b) that part of the City of New Westminster lying southwesterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northwesterly limit of said city with 8th Street; thence southeasterly along said street and its production to the southeasterly limit of said city.


    17. New Westminster — Coquitlam


    • (a) that part of the City of New Westminster lying northeasterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the northwesterly limit of said city with 8th Street; thence southeasterly along said street and its production to the southeasterly limit of said city;


  5. Wildlife Area Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1609 (SCHEDULE I : Wildlife Areas)



    • 1 Alaksen National Wildlife Area

      In the Province of British Columbia; in Group 2, New Westminster Land District; in the Delta District Municipality;

      All those parcels of land more particularly described under Firstly to Thirdly as follows:


      Secondly, that parcel being the whole of Parcel F of District Lots 190, 192A, 193, 194, 597 and 598, as shown on Reference Plan 57378 deposited in the land title office at New Westminster, a copy of which is recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa as Plan 79512, containing about 283.15 hectares save and except thereout:


    • 2 Widgeon Valley National Wildlife Area

      Being all those parcels of land, in New Westminster District, in township 41, east of the Coast Meridian according to a plan of said township approved and confirmed by E. Deville, Surveyor General, April 25, 1913, the southwest quarter and legal subdivisions 2, 7, 11 and 14 of section 12, said quarter and legal subdivision including the bed of any lake or stream lying therein and containing together 308.8 acres, more or less.


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