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  1. Wildlife Area Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1609 (SCHEDULE I : Wildlife Areas)



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    • 2 Prairie National Wildlife Area

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      • (20) Unit number 20

        Being all those parcels of land, in township 20, range 25, west of the third meridian, the northeast quarter and southeast quarter of section 1; that part of the southwest quarter of said section 1 described as follows:

        Commencing at the northwest corner of said quarter section; thence easterly along the northern boundary, a distance of 106.5 rods; thence southerly and parallel with the western boundary to the southern boundary; thence westerly along the said southern boundary to the said western boundary; thence northerly along the said western boundary to the point of commencement;

        That part of the northwest quarter of said section 1 described as follows:

        Commencing at the northwest corner of said quarter section; thence easterly along the northern boundary, a distance of 106.5 rods; thence southerly and parallel with the western boundary to the southern boundary; thence westerly along the said southern boundary to the said western boundary; thence northerly along the said western boundary to the point of commencement; the northeast quarter and southeast quarter of section 2;



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    • 2 Meanook National Wildlife Area


      Less that part being described as follows; commencing at a point on the east boundary of the northwest quarter of section 12, said point being distant 96.01 metres southerly from the northeast corner of said northwest quarter section; thence southerly along the east boundary of said northwest quarter section, a distance of 213.36 metres to a point; thence westerly along a line parallel to the north boundary of said northwest quarter section, a distance of 213.36 metres to a point; thence northerly along a line parallel to said east boundary, a distance of 213.36 metres to a point; thence easterly along a line parallel to the said north boundary of the northwest quarter section, a distance of 213.36 metres, more or less, to the point of commencement. Said part containing an area of 4.55 hectares;

      And less a road right-of-way, said right-of-way being more particularly described as follows; commencing at a point on the north boundary of the northwest quarter of section 12, said point being distant 60.96 metres, more or less, westerly from the northeast corner of said northwest quarter section; thence southerly along a line parallel to the east boundary of said northwest quarter section to a point on the north boundary of the aforesaid described part; thence westerly along the north boundary of said part, a distance of 12.19 metres to a point; thence northerly along a line parallel to the said east boundary of the northwest quarter section to a point on the north boundary of said northwest quarter section; thence easterly along said north boundary of the northwest quarter section to the point of commencement.



    • 1 Nisutlin River Delta National Wildlife Area


      That certain parcel of land shown as Nisutlin River Delta National Wildlife Area on Appendix B Maps, Sheets 23, 46, 47, 48 and 49 of the Teslin Tlingit Council Final Agreement dated the 29th day of May 1993 between the Teslin Tlingit Council, the Government of Canada and the Government of the Yukon; said maps recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa under number 75204; said parcel being more particularly described as follows:


      Thence generally easterly along the sinuosities of the southerly bank of the Wolf River to the point of commencement;



    • 1 Akpait National Wildlife Area


      All that parcel in the vicinity of Akpait Fiord, including all land, water and islands and being more particularly described as follows:


      Thence generally easterly along the ordinary high water mark on the northern side of Akpait Fiord to the intersection of longitude 61°49′00″ W at approximate latitude 66°53′43″ N;


  2. Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/99-123 (SCHEDULE)



    All those lands situated in the City of Etobicoke in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto and the Cities of Brampton and Mississauga in the Regional Municipality of Peel, described as follows:


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lot 32 to the northeastern corner of the lot;


    thence easterly along the southern limit of the lands of the Canadian National Railway to the intersection with the western limit of the road allowance between Concessions “A” and 1 Fronting the Humber, known as Kipling Avenue;


    thence easterly along the production westerly of the northern limit of Lot 32 to the northwestern corner of Lot 32, in Concession 4 Fronting the Humber, being the point of commencement.


    The outer boundary of the land to which these Regulations apply, shown on Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport Zoning Plan No. 21-005 94-138, Sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56, dated July 31, 1995, is described as follows:


    thence easterly along the southern limit of the road allowance between the geographic Township of Vaughan and the geographic Township of Etobicoke (now within Steeles Avenue West), across Concessions 4, 3 and 2 Fronting the Humber, in the geographic Township of Etobicoke, to its intersection with the northern production of the eastern limit of Martin Grove Road, as established by a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Metropolitan Toronto (Number 66) as number M-2204;


    thence easterly along the northern limit of plan numbers 7807, 8087 and 7902, all registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Metropolitan Toronto (Number 64), and continuing along the easterly production of the northern limit of plan 7902 to the intersection with the eastern limit of the road allowance between Concession 1 Fronting the Humber and Concession “A” Fronting the Humber (now within Kipling Avenue);


    thence easterly along the western production of the southern limit of the road allowance between the geographic Townships of Vaughan and Etobicoke to the point of commencement.


    All those lands situated in the City of Etobicoke in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto and the Cities of Brampton and Mississauga in the Regional Municipality of Peel, described as follows:


    thence easterly along the southern limit of the road allowance between the geographic Township of Vaughan and the geographic Township of Etobicoke (now within Steeles Avenue), across Concessions 4, 3 and 2 Fronting the Humber, in the geographic Township of Etobicoke, to its intersection with the northern production of the eastern limit of Martin Grove Road, as established by a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Metropolitan Toronto (Number 66) as number M-2204;


    thence easterly along the northern limit of plan numbers 7807, 8087 and 7902, all registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Metropolitan Toronto (Number 64), and continuing along the easterly production of the northern limit of plan 7902 to its intersection with the eastern limit of the road allowance between Concession 1 Fronting the Humber and Concession “A” Fronting the Humber (now within Kipling Avenue);


    thence easterly along the original southern limit of Albion Road, as shown on registered plans 8376, 8375, 8433 and 8394, all registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Metropolitan Toronto (Number 64), to its intersection with the western limit of the road allowance between Concession “A” Fronting the Humber and Concession “B” Fronting the Humber;


    thence northeasterly and easterly along the northwestern and northern limits of Blocks 1, 7, 3, 6 and 2 on plan 43M-875 to the most northeastern corner of Block 2, also being the northwestern corner of Chrysler Drive as shown on a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Peel (Number 43) as number 43M-874;


    thence northeasterly and easterly along the northwestern and northern limits of Block 6 on registered plan 43M-874 to the most northern corner of Block 6, also being the western corner of Block 5 on plan 43M-874;


    thence easterly along the western production of the southern limit of the road allowance between the geographic Townships of Vaughan and Etobicoke to the point of commencement.


  3. Trenton Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/96-401 (SCHEDULE)



    ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land situate, lying and being in the City of Trenton and the Township of Sidney, both in the County of Hastings, and the Township of Murray in the County of Northumberland, and the Township of Ameliasburgh in the County of Prince Edward:


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lot 4, Concession 1, to the intersection with the western bank of the Trent River;


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Concession 2, to the northeastern corner of Lot 6;


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Concession 2, to the northeastern corner of Lot 12;


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, Concession 2, to the northeastern corner of Lot 18;


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lots 19, 20 and 21, Concession 2, to the northeastern corner of Lot 21;


    thence easterly along the southern limit of County Road No. 22 to the intersection with the eastern boundary of Lot 24, Concession 2;


    thence easterly along the southern limit of County Road No. 22 to the intersection with the northwestern limit of the approach surface that abuts the end of the strip associated with runway 24;


    thence easterly along the said northwestern limit of Nicholas Street to the intersection with the northeastern limit of Front Street, formerly Wellington Street on Registered Plan No. 230;


    thence easterly along the northwestern limit of Mill Street as shown on Registered Plan No. 230 to its intersection with the western limit of Water Street;


    ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land situate, lying and being in the City of Belleville, the City of Trenton, the Township of Sidney, and the Township of Thurlow, all in the County of Hastings, and the Township of Murray and the Township of Brighton, both in the County of Northumberland, and the Township of Ameliasburgh in the County of Prince Edward:


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lots A, 1 and 2, Concession 4, to the intersection of that boundary with the western limit of the Trent River;


    thence easterly along the northern limit of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Concession 4, to the northeastern corner of Lot 6;


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Concession 4, to the northeastern corner of Lot 12;


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, Concession 4, to the northeastern corner of Lot 18;


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lot 19, Concession 4, to the northeastern corner thereof;


    thence easterly along the southern boundary of that road allowance between Concessions 3 and 4 across part of Lot 20 and Lots 21, 22, 23 and 24, Concession 3, to the northeastern corner of Lot 24;


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lots 25 and 26, Concession 3, to the northeastern corner of Lot 26;


    thence easterly along the southern boundary of that road allowance across part of Lot 26 and Lots 27, 28, 29 and part of Lot 30, Concession 2, to the intersection with the northwestern limit of the approach surface that abuts the end of the strip associated with runway 24;

    thence easterly along the northern limit of that approach surface on a bearing of north 43°54′29″ east to a point, the co-ordinates of which are N 4 899 961.450 m and E 309 321.284 m;


    thence easterly along the northwestern limit of that approach surface on a bearing of north 60°58′11″ east to the intersection with the eastern limit of Lot 11, Concession A, in the Township of Murray;


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lot 11, Concession 2, to the northeastern corner of that Lot;


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lots 10 and 9, Concession 2, to the intersection with the southerly projection, across the road allowance between Concessions 2 and 3, of the western boundary of Lot 9, Concession 3;


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lot 9, Concession 3, to the northeastern corner of that Lot;


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lots 8 and 7, Concession 3, to the northeastern corner of Lot 7, Concession 3;


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lots 6 and 5, Concession 4, to the northeastern corner of Lot 5, Concession 4;


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lots 4 and 3, Concession 4, to the northeastern corner of Lot 3, Concession 4;


    thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lots 2 and 1, Concession 4, to the northeastern corner of Lot 1, Concession 4;


  4. Red Lake Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/94-556 (SCHEDULE)



    The airport reference point, shown on Red Lake Airport Zoning Plan No. 60-041 86-112, Sheet 5, dated September 28, 1988, is a point which may be located by:


    THENCE easterly along the centre line of the said runway, 610 m to a point;


    The outer boundary of the land to which these Regulations apply, shown on Red Lake Airport Zoning Plan No. 60-041 86-112, Sheets 1 to 9 inclusive, dated September 28, 1988, is described as follows:


    THENCE easterly along the northern boundary of Mining Claim KRL1010 (now recorded as Mining Claim KRL19210) to the northeast corner of said Mining Claim KRL1010 (now recorded as Mining Claim KRL19210);


    THENCE easterly along the northern boundary of Mining Claim KRL19667 to the northeast corner of said Mining Claim KRL19667;


    THENCE easterly along the northern boundary of Mining Claim KRL20830 to the northeast corner of said Mining Claim KRL20830;


    THENCE easterly along the northern boundary of Mining Claim KRL20755 to the northeast corner of said Mining Claim KRL20755;


    THENCE southerly and easterly along the western and southern boundaries of Plan M-304 to the intersection with the northern boundary of Mining Claim KRL118 (now recorded as Mining Claim KRL19502);


    THENCE easterly along the northern boundary of Mining Claim KRL915 to the southeast corner of Mining Claim KRL12181 being also the southwest corner of Mining Claim KRL12180;


    THENCE easterly along the northern boundary of Mining Claim KRL12180 to the western boundary of Mining Claim KRL10651;


    THENCE easterly along the northern boundary of Mining Claim KRL10668 to the western boundary of Mining Claim K1619 (now recorded as Mining Claim KRL10334);


    THENCE easterly along the northern boundary of Mining Claim KRL10667 to the southeast corner of Mining Claim KRL12176;


    THENCE easterly along the northern boundaries of Mining Claims KRL10904 and KRL10913 (now recorded as Mining Claim KRL503013) to the northeast corner of said Mining Claim KRL10913 (now recorded as Mining Claim KRL503013);


    THENCE easterly along the northern boundaries of Mining Claims KRL10912 and KRL10914 and part of the southern boundary of Mining Claim KRL18247 to the southeast corner of Mining Claim KRL18247;


    THENCE easterly along the southern boundary of Mining Claim KRL18249 to the southeast corner of said Mining Claim KRL18249;


    THENCE easterly along the northern boundaries of Mining Claims KRL10733, KRL312, K1515, KRL313 and KRL315 to the northeast corner of said Mining Claim KRL315;


    THENCE easterly along the northern boundary of Mining Claim KRL1012 to the northeast corner of Mining Claim KRL1012;


    THENCE easterly along the northern boundary of Mining Claim KRL1016 to its intersection with the boundary between the Townships of Dome and Balmer, being the Point of Commencement.

  5. Peterborough Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/94-123 (SCHEDULE)



    The outer boundary of the land to which these Regulations apply, shown on Peterborough Airport Zoning Plan No. 15-006 89-43, Sheets 1 to 4 and 6 to 9 dated December 29, 1989, is described as follows:


    THENCE easterly along the southerly limit of Lot 22 and Lot 23, Concession 8, to the southeast corner of Lot 23, Concession 8;


    THENCE easterly along the southerly limit of the said Lot 1 and Lot 2, Concession 6, to the southeast corner of Lot 2, Concession 6, Township of South Monaghan;


    THENCE easterly along the southerly limit of Lots 3, 4 and 5, Concession 5, Township of South Monaghan to the southeast corner of said Lot 5, Concession 5;


    THENCE easterly along the southerly limit of said Lot 13 to the southeast corner thereof;


    THENCE easterly along the southerly limit of the West Half of Lot 13, Concession 17, to the southeast corner of the said West Half of Lot 13, Concession 17;

    THENCE easterly along the southerly limit of the said East Half of Lot 13, Concession 17 to the southeast corner of the said East Half of Lot 13, Concession 17;


    THENCE easterly along the southerly limit of the West Half of Lot 13, Concession 16, to the southeast corner thereof;


    THENCE easterly along the northerly limit of the East Half of said Lot 13, Concession 16, to the northeast corner thereof;


    THENCE easterly along the southerly limit of the said Lot 15, Concession 15, to its intersection with the line between the East and West Halves of the said Lot 15, Concession 15;


    THENCE easterly along the southerly limit of the East Half of the said Lot 17, Concession 15, to the southeast corner of the said Lot 17, Concession 15;




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