of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Longueuil, province of Quebec, and the parts of lots described as follows:
One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FIVE MILLION NINETY-SEVEN THOUSAND AND TWO (Pt. lot 5 097 002), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Longueuil, bounded and described as follows:
Commencing at the north corner of lot 5 097 002, bounded: northeasterly, by a part of lot 4 920 896, measuring along said boundary one hundred and fifty-three meters and thirty-five hundredths (153.35 m) on a bearing of 137°22′53″, southeasterly, by a part of lot 5 097 002, measuring along said boundary fifty-nine meters and thirteen hundredths (59.13 m) on a bearing of 224°12′13″, southwesterly, by lot 4 640 999, measuring along said boundary sixty-six meters and twelve hundredths (66.12 m) on a bearing of 317°22′52″, southeasterly, by lot 4 640 999, measuring along said boundary forty-one meters and sixty hundredths (41.60 m) on a bearing of 224°12′52″, southwesterly, by a part of lot 5 097 002, measuring along said limit eighty-four meters and sixty hundredths (84.60 m) on a bearing of 317°22′52″, northwesterly, by a part of lot 4 920 889, measuring along said limit sixty-two meters and seventy-seven hundredths (62.77 m) on a bearing of 47°22′45″, northwesterly, by a part of lot 4 920 889, measuring along said limit thirty-eight meters and ninety-nine hundredths (38.99 m) along an arc of a circle of ninety-one meters and twenty-eight hundredths (91.28 m) radius.
One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FOUR MILLION NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX (Pt. lot 4 920 896), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Longueuil, bounded and described as follows:
Commencing at the west corner of lot 4 920 896, bounded: westwardly, by lot 5 097 003, measuring along said boundary nineteen meters and eighty-five hundredths (19.85 m) along an arc of a circle of ninety-one meters and twenty-eight hundredths (91.28 m) radius, westwardly, by lot 5 097 003, measuring along said boundary ninety-nine meters and fifty-two hundredths (99.52 m) on a bearing of 10°20′29″, northeasterly, by a portion of lot 4 920 896, measuring along said boundary two hundred eighteen meters and thirty-one hundredths (218.31 m) on a bearing of 136°44′57″, southeasterly, by a portion of lot 4 920 896 measuring along said boundary twenty meters and twenty-nine hundredths (20.29 m) on a bearing of 223°43′01″, southeasterly, by a portion of lot 4 920 896, measuring along said boundary seventy meters and eighty-one hundredths (70.81 m) on a bearing of 224°39′08″, southeasterly, by a portion of lot 4 920 896, measuring along said limit seven meters and ninety-one hundredths (7.91 m) on a bearing of 224°12′14″, southwesterly, by a portion of lot 5 097 002, measuring along said limit one hundred and fifty-three meters and thirty-five hundredths (153.35 m) on a bearing of 317°22′53″.
One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FIVE MILLION NINETY-SEVEN THOUSAND AND TEN (Pt. lot 5 097 010), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Longueuil, bounded and described as follows:
Commencing at the west corner of lot 5 097 010, bounded: westwardly, by a part of lot 5 097 005, measuring along said limit one hundred and nineteen metres and forty-three hundredths (119.43 m) on a bearing of 10°27′02″, northeasterly, by a part of lot 5 097 010 measuring along said boundary one hundred and fifty-one metres and forty-four hundredths (151.44 m) on a bearing of 136°58′57″, southeasterly, by a part of lot 5 097 010, measuring along said boundary one metre and twenty-four hundredths (1.24 m) on a bearing of 208°00′54″, northeasterly, by a part of lot 5 097 010, measuring along said limit seventy-six metres and thirteen hundredths (76.13 m) on a bearing of 136°44′57″, eastward, by a part of lot 5 097 003, measuring along said limit one hundred and fourteen metres and thirty hundredths (114.30 m) on a bearing of 190°21′04″, easterly, through a part of lot 5 097 003, measuring along said boundary six metres (6.00 m) along an arc of a circle having a radius of seventy-one metres and sixteen hundredths (71.16 m), southwesterly, through a part of lot 5 097 001 measuring along said boundary one hundred and forty-eight metres and sixty-eight hundredths (148.68 m) on a bearing of 317°22′53″, northwesterly, by a part of lot 5 097 010, measuring along said boundary one metre and thirty hundredths (1.30 m) on a bearing of 48°15′33″, westwardly, by a part of lot 5 097 010, measuring along said limit nine metres and ten hundredths (9.10 m) on a bearing of 11°01′29″, southwardly, by a part of lot 5 097 010, measuring along said limit three metres and fifty-two hundredths (3.52 m) on a bearing of 256°58′30″, southeasterly, through a part of lot 5 097 010, measuring along said boundary two metres and fourteen hundredths (2.14 m) on a bearing of 240°41′36″, southeasterly, through a part of lot 5 097 010, measuring along said boundary three metres and fifty-four hundredths (3.54 m) on a bearing of 217°44′56″, southwesterly, by a part of lot 5 097 001, measuring along said boundary seventy-two metres and seventy-five hundredths (72.75 m) on a bearing of 317°22′53″.
One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot SIX MILLION FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FORTY (Pt. lot 6 430 840), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Longueuil, bounded and described as follows:
Containing an area of two thousand four hundred and fifty-four square metres and five tenths (2 454.5 m2).
One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FOUR MILLION NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NINETY-TWO (Pt. lot 4 920 892), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Longueuil, bounded and described as follows:
Commencing at the south corner of lot 4 920 892, bounded: southerly, by a part of lot 6 430 840, measuring along said limit one hundred and twenty-two metres and twenty-seven hundredths (122.27 m) on a bearing of 289°28′23″, southwesterly, by a part of lot 4 920 892, measuring along said boundary three metres and sixty-three hundredths (3.63 m) on a bearing of 326°51′34″, westerly, by a part of lot 4 920 892, measuring along said boundary seven metres and sixteen hundredths (7.16 m) on a bearing of 343°08′27″, westerly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said limit one hundred and fifty-four metres and twenty-seven hundredths (154.27 m) on a bearing of 19°18′01″, northerly, by a part of lot 4 920 892, measuring along said limit two metres and four hundredths (2.04 m) on a bearing of 269°53′10″, northwesterly, by a part of lot 4 920 892, measuring along said limit ten metres and eighty-seven hundredths (10.87 m) on a bearing of 27°03′19″, southwesterly, by a part of lot 4 920 892, measuring along said limit three metres and forty-seven hundredths (3.47 m) on a bearing of 301°46′24″, westward, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said limit eight metres and forty-two hundredths (8.42 m) on a bearing of 19°18′01″, northerly, by lot 4 921 468, measuring along said limit twenty-nine metres and forty-two hundredths (29.42 m) on a bearing of 109°33′35″, northeasterly, through lot 4 921 467 and part of lot 5 097 009, measuring along said boundary one hundred seventy-eight metres and ten hundredths (178.10 m) on a bearing of 137°22′54″, southerly, through part of lot 4 920 891, measuring along said limit seventy-one metres and seventy-seven hundredths (71.77 m) on a bearing of 280°26′55″, easterly, by a part of lot 4 920 891, measuring along said limit eighty-nine metres and thirty-one hundredths (89.31 m) on a bearing of 190°26′55″.
Containing an area of twenty-one thousand four hundred and fifty-three square metres (21 453.0 m2).
One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FOUR MILLION NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN (Pt. lot 4 921 357), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Longueuil, bounded and described as follows:
One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FOUR MILLION NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN (Pt. lot 4 921 357), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Longueuil, bounded and described as follows:
One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FOUR MILLION NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND AND THIRTY-THREE (Pt. lot 4 921 033), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Longueuil, bounded and described as follows:
Commencing at the southeast corner of lot 4 921 033, bounded: eastwardly, by a part of lot 4 921 357, measuring along said boundary fifty metres and six hundredths (50.06 m) on a bearing of 19°42′03″, southeasterly, by a part of lot 4 921 357, measuring along said boundary thirty-eight metres and ninety-eight hundredths (38.98 m) along an arc of a circle of four hundred and fifty-four metres and ninety-six hundredths (454.96 m) radius, northeasterly, through a part of lot 4 921 033, measuring along said limit nine hundredths of a metre (0.09 m) on a bearing of 233°40′08″, northwesterly, by a part of lot 4 921 033, measuring along said boundary eight metres and fifty-four hundredths (8.54 m) along an arc of a circle of six metres and two hundredths (6.02 m) radius, northeasterly, through part of lot 4 921 033, measuring along said limit forty-three metres (43.00 m) along an arc of a circle of one hundred twenty metres and thirteen hundredths (120.13 m) radius, northwesterly, through part of lot 4 921 033, measuring along said boundary twenty metres and thirteen hundredths (20.13 m) on a bearing of 224°14′20″, northwesterly, by a part of lot 4 921 033, measuring along said boundary thirty metres and eighty-one hundredths (30.81 m) on a bearing of 226°30′56″, northwesterly, by a part of lot 4 921 033, measuring along said limit thirty metres and forty-eight hundredths (30.48 m) on a bearing of 225°58′18″, northwesterly, by a part of lot 4 921 033, measuring along said limit eight metres and six hundredths (8.06 m) on a bearing of 222°19′28″, southwesterly, through lot 4 921 060, measuring along said boundary sixty-two metres and thirty-six hundredths (62.36 m) on a bearing of 137°22′33″, easterly, through a part of Lot 4 921 034 measuring along said boundary sixteen metres and nineteen hundredths (16.19 m) on a bearing of 19°00′17″, southerly, by a part of lot 4 921 034, measuring along said boundary thirty metres and forty-eight hundredths (30.48 m) on a bearing of 109°35′51″.
One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FOUR MILLION NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN (Pt. lot 4 921 357), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Longueuil, bounded and described as follows:
Containing an area of one hundred and fifty-four square metres and six tenths (154.6 m2).
One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FOUR MILLION NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX (Pt. lot 4 921 496), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Longueuil, bounded and described as follows:
Commencing at the west corner of lot 4 920 892, thence on a bearing of 19°18′01″ for a distance of seven metres and ninety-seven hundredths (7.97 m), the point of commencement, bounded: westwardly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said boundary fifty-two hundredths of a metre (0.52 m) on a bearing of 343°08′27″, westwardly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said boundary five metres and nineteen hundredths (5.19 m) on a bearing of 4°53′40″, westwardly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said boundary five metres and seventy-eight hundredths (5, (5.78 m) on a bearing of 16°27′52″, westwardly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said boundary thirteen metres and sixty-six hundredths (13.66 m) on a bearing of 20°10′22″, westwardly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said boundary seven metres and fifty-four hundredths (7.54 m) on a bearing of 343°13′27″, northwesterly, by a part of lot 4 921 496 measuring along said boundary three metres and five hundredths (3.05 m) on a bearing of 201°20′03″, westwardly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said boundary four metres and nineteen hundredths (4.19 m) on a bearing of 15°33′31″, westwardly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said boundary two metres and fifty-two hundredths (2.52 m) on a bearing of 6°51′26″, southwesterly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said limit one metre and eleven hundredths (1.11 m) on a bearing of 293°39′53″, westwardly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said boundary three metres and ninety-eight hundredths (3.98 m) on a bearing of 8°07′04″, westwardly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said boundary three metres and sixteen hundredths (3.16 m) on a bearing of 15°33′26″, northwesterly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said boundary two metres and nineteen hundredths (2.19 m) on a bearing of 57°11′11″, northwesterly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said boundary one metre and sixty-five hundredths (1.65 m) on a bearing of 39°44′20″, westwardly, through a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said boundary two metres and nine hundredths (2.09 m) on a bearing of 6°40′34″, southwesterly, by a portion of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said boundary two metres and twenty-two hundredths (2.22 m) on a bearing of 328°58′44″, westwardly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said boundary four metres and six hundredths (4.06 m) on a bearing of 20°27′19″, westwardly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said limit nine metres and twenty-nine hundredths (9.29 m) on a bearing of 14°26′30″, westwardly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said boundary sixty-six metres and four hundredths (66.04 m) on a bearing of 19°23′12″, westwardly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said boundary sixteen metres and eighty-seven hundredths (16.87 m) on a bearing of 18°40′16″, northerly, by a part of lot 4 921 496, measuring along said limit ten metres and fifty-four hundredths (10.54 m) on a bearing of 89°53′10″, easterly, by a part lot 4 920 892, measuring along said limit one hundred and fifty-four metres and twenty-seven hundredths (154.27 m) on a bearing of 199°18′01″.
One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot FOUR MILLION NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETY-ONE (Pt. lot 4 921 491), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Longueuil, bounded and described as follows:
Containing an area of two thousand nine hundred and fifty-three square metres and three tenths (2 953.3 m2).
One (1) parcel of land of irregular figure known and designated as a part of lot THREE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN (Pt. lot 3 527 127), of the cadastre of Quebec, registration division of Longueuil, bounded and described as follows:
Commencing at the north corner of lot 3 527 127, bounded: northeasterly by a portion of lots 4 921 490 and 4 921 491, measuring along said boundary three hundred and eight metres and ninety-one hundredths (308.91 m) on a bearing of 137°11′59″, northeasterly, through a portion of lot 3 527 127, measuring along said limit five metres and forty-five hundredths (5.45 m) on a bearing of 152°57′47″, northeasterly, through a portion of lot 3 527 127, measuring along said limit sixteen metres and sixty hundredths (16.60 m) on a bearing of 157°38′00”, northeasterly, through lot 3 527 27, measuring along said boundary sixteen metres and ninety-two hundredths (16.92 m) on a bearing of 152°03′57″, northeasterly, by lot 3 527 127, measuring along said boundary sixty-four hundredths of a metre (0.64 m) on a bearing of 138°53′30″, southwesterly, by lot 3 527 455, measuring along said boundary five metres and eleven hundredths (5.11 m) on a bearing of 287°18′13”, southwesterly, through lots 3 527 330, 3 527 331 and 3 527 332, measuring along said boundary eighty-two metres and twenty-four hundredths (82.24 m) on a bearing of 316°49′59″, northwesterly, though lot 3 527 333, measuring along said boundary six metres and nine hundredths (6.09 m) on a bearing of 46°46′06″, southwesterly, through lots 3 527 333, 3 527 334, 3 527 335, 3 526 957, 3 527 336, 3 526 955, 3 526 954, 3 526 953, 3 526 952, 3 526 951, 3 526 950, 5 468 104, 5 468 103, 5 137 446 and 5 137 444, measuring along said boundary two hundred and fifty-nine metres and thirty-nine hundredths (259.39 m) on a bearing of 316°58′14″, northwesterly, by a portion of lot 3 527 127, measuring along said limit nine metres and seventy-one hundredths (9.71 m) on a bearing of 44°10′41″.