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  1. Proclamation Declaring the Representation Orders to be in Force Effective on the First Dissolution of Parliament that Occurs after April 22, 2024 - SI/2023-57 (SCHEDULE A : ELECTORAL BOUNDARIES READJUSTMENT ACT)



    Excluding that part of the Island of Newfoundland lying southerly and westerly of a line described as follows: commencing at a point in the Atlantic Ocean at approximate latitude 47°26′21″N and longitude 56°26′19″W; thence northwesterly to the mouth of Chaleur Bay at approximate latitude 47°34′32″N and longitude 56°41′50″W; thence generally northwesterly along said bay to the end of Chaleur Bay at approximate latitude 47°39′05″N and longitude 56°46′27″W; thence westerly in a straight line to the southeast end of Dry Pond at approximate latitude 47°50′36″N and longitude 57°31′13″W; thence northerly in a straight line to the mouth of Star Brook at Star Lake at approximate latitude 48°34′51″N and longitude 57°14′27″W; thence northerly in a straight line to a point in Hinds Lake at approximate latitude 48°57′49″N and longitude 56°59′35″W; thence northerly in a straight line to the southeasternmost point of the limit of the Town of Hampden; thence northerly along the easterly limit of said town to Rocky Brook at approximate latitude 49°31′09″N and longitude 56°50′47″W; thence northerly in a straight line to the mouth of Big Chouse Brook at White Bay at approximate latitude 49°36′43″N and longitude 56°47′27″W; thence northwesterly in a straight line to a point in White Bay at approximate latitude 49°37′11″N and longitude 56°48′16″W; thence generally northerly and northeasterly along said bay (passing west of Granby Island) to a point in the Atlantic Ocean at approximate latitude 50°32′16″N and longitude 55°30′00″W.


    Consists of that part of the Island of Newfoundland lying southerly and westerly of a line described as follows: commencing at a point in the Atlantic Ocean at approximate latitude 47°26′21″N and longitude 56°26′19″W; thence northwesterly to the mouth of Chaleur Bay at approximate latitude 47°34′32″N and longitude 56°41′50″W; thence generally northwesterly along said bay to the end of Chaleur Bay at approximate latitude 47°39′05″N and longitude 56°46′27″W; thence westerly in a straight line to the southeast end of Dry Pond at approximate latitude 47°50′36″N and longitude 57°31′13″W; thence northerly in a straight line to the mouth of Star Brook at Star Lake at approximate latitude 48°34′51″N and longitude 57°14′27″W; thence northerly in a straight line to a point in Hinds Lake at approximate latitude 48°57′49″N and longitude 56°59′35″W; thence northerly in a straight line to the southeasternmost point of the limit of the Town of Hampden; thence northerly along the easterly limit of said town to Rocky Brook at approximate latitude 49°31′09″N and longitude 56°50′47″W; thence northerly in a straight line to the mouth of Big Chouse Brook at White Bay at approximate latitude 49°36′43″N and longitude 56°47′27″W; thence northwesterly in a straight line to a point in White Bay at approximate latitude 49°37′11″N and longitude 56°48′16″W; thence generally northerly and northeasterly along said bay (passing west of Granby Island) to a point in the Atlantic Ocean at approximate latitude 50°32′16″N and longitude 55°30′00″W.


    Consists of that part of the Province of Manitoba described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the southern boundary of said province with the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Montcalm; thence generally northerly and easterly along the westerly and northerly limits of said rural municipality to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of De Salaberry; thence northerly along said limit to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Ritchot; thence westerly, generally northerly and generally northeasterly along the southerly, westerly and northerly limits of said rural municipality to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Springfield; thence northerly along said limit to the Red River Floodway at approximate latitude 49°47′56″N and longitude 97°01′35″W; thence northeasterly and generally northerly along said floodway to the westerly production of Mission Road; thence easterly along said production and Mission Road to Spruce Road; thence northerly along said road to Dugald Road; thence easterly along said road to Spruce Road; thence northerly along said road to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Springfield; thence easterly, southerly and easterly along the northerly limit of said rural municipality to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Reynolds; thence northerly and easterly along the westerly and northerly limits of said rural municipality to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Whitemouth; thence northerly and generally easterly along the westerly and northerly limits of said rural municipality to the intersection of the easterly limit of said rural municipality with the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet (on the southern shoreline of Eleanor Lake); thence northerly along the easterly limit of said rural municipality and the easterly limit of the Local Government District of Pinawa to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet (on the northern shoreline of Eleanor Lake); thence northerly along the easterly limit of said rural municipality to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Alexander; thence easterly and generally northerly along the southerly and easterly limits of said rural municipality to the north limit of Tp 16; thence east along said limit to the easterly boundary of said province; thence south and west along the easterly and southern boundaries of said province to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the Province of Manitoba described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the westerly boundary of the Province of Manitoba with the 53rd parallel north; thence east along said parallel of latitude to the east boundary of R 19 W 1; thence south along said boundary to the south boundary of Tp 45; thence east along said boundary to the easterly shoreline of Lake Winnipegosis; thence generally southerly along said shoreline to the north boundary of Tp 35; thence east along said boundary to the west boundary of R 14 W 1; thence south along said boundary to the southerly shoreline of Lake Manitoba; thence generally southeasterly along the westerly shoreline of said lake to the easterly limit of the Municipality of WestLake-Gladstone; thence southerly along said limit and the easterly limit of the Municipality of North Norfolk to 60 Road North; thence generally easterly along said road to 43 Road West; thence southerly along said road to the northerly boundary of Long Plain Indian Reserve No. 6; thence easterly along said boundary and its production to the Assiniboine River; thence generally northeasterly along said river to the westerly production of 60 Road North; thence easterly along said production to 40 Road West; thence southerly along said road to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Grey; thence westerly along said limit to the easterly limit of the Municipality of Norfolk Treherne; thence southerly, generally westerly and generally northerly along the easterly, southerly and westerly limits of said municipality to the southerly limit of the Municipality of North Norfolk; thence westerly along said limit to the easterly limit of the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford; thence southerly, westerly, northerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly limits of said municipality to Highway 5; thence northerly along said highway to 56 Road North; thence westerly along said road and its production to 85 Road West; thence northerly along said road to Highway 351; thence generally westerly along said highway to Highway 1 (Trans-Canada Highway); thence westerly and southwesterly along said highway to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Elton; thence generally westerly along said limit and the southerly limit of the Municipality of Riverdale to the easterly boundary of Sioux Valley Dakota Nation Indian Reserve; thence westerly and southerly along the northerly and westerly boundaries of said Indian reserve to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Wallace-Woodworth; thence westerly along said limit to 150 Road West; thence northerly along said road to an unnamed road situated north of Highway 1 (Trans-Canada Highway); thence northerly in a straight line to the intersection of 56 Road North and 150 Road West; thence northerly along 150 Road West and its intermittent productions to Highway 259; thence northerly in a straight line to an unnamed creek at approximate latitude 49°53′13″N and longitude 100°52′24″W; thence generally westerly along said creek to a point at approximate latitude 49°53′15″N and longitude 100°52’36”W; thence southerly in a straight line to the easterly production of 60 Road North at approximate latitude 49°53′14″N and longitude 100°52′36″W; thence westerly along said production and 60 Road North to 150 Road West; thence northerly along said road to the east boundary of R 26 W 1; thence north along said boundary to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Wallace-Woodworth; thence westerly along said limit to the westerly boundary of said province; thence north along said boundary to the point of commencement; excluding that part of the City of Brandon located in the Rural Municipality of Elton known as the Brandon Municipal Airport.


    Consists of that part of the Province of Saskatchewan described as follows: commencing at the northeasterly corner of the Rural Municipality of Flett’s Springs No. 429; thence southerly along the easterly limit of said rural municipality to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Lake Lenore No. 399; thence easterly and southerly along the northerly and easterly limits of said rural municipality and along the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of St. Peter No. 369 to the southerly limit of said rural municipality; thence westerly along said limit and along the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Humboldt No. 370 to the east boundary of Sec 34 Tp 36 R 22 W 2; thence south along said boundary and along the east boundary of Sec 27 Tp 36 R 22 W 2 to Bay Trail Road; thence westerly along said road to Highway 20; thence northerly along said highway to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Humboldt No. 370; thence westerly along said limit and along the southerly limits of the rural municipalities of Bayne No. 371 and Grant No. 372 to the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Blucher No. 343; thence southerly, westerly and northerly along the easterly, southerly and westerly limits of said rural municipality to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Corman Park No. 344; thence westerly along said limit to the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Vanscoy No. 345; thence generally southerly, westerly and northerly along the easterly, southerly and westerly limits of said rural municipality to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Eagle Creek No. 376; thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly limits of said rural municipality to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Glenside No. 377; thence westerly and generally northerly along the southerly and westerly limits of said rural municipality to Highway 4; thence generally easterly along said highway to the north boundary of Sec 18 Tp 39 R 14 W 3; thence east along said boundary and the north boundary of Sec 17 Tp 39 R 14 W 3 to the west boundary of Sec 21 Tp 39 R 14 W 3; thence north along said boundary and the west boundaries of secs 28 and 33 Tp 39 R 14 W 3, secs 4, 9, 16, 21, 28 and 33 Tp 40 R 14 W 3 and secs 4 and 9 Tp 41 R 14 W 3 to the south boundary of Sec 17 Tp 41 R 14 W 3; thence west along said boundary to the west boundary of Sec 17 Tp 41 R 14 W 3; thence north along said boundary and the west boundaries of secs 20, 29 and 32 Tp 41 R 14 W 3 to the North Saskatchewan River; thence generally easterly along said river to the southerly production of an unnamed road and the west boundary of Sec 31 Tp 41 R 13 W 3; thence northerly along said production and the unnamed road to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Douglas No. 436; thence westerly, northerly and easterly along the southerly, westerly and northerly limits of said rural municipality to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Meeting Lake No. 466; thence generally northerly and easterly along the westerly and northerly limits of said rural municipality to the westerly boundary of Mosquito Grizzly Bear’s Head Lean Man TLE Indian Reserve No. 1; thence northwesterly, northerly, easterly and southerly along the westerly, northerly and easterly boundaries of said reserve to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Meeting Lake No. 466; thence easterly along said limit and the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Leask No. 464 to the westerly boundary of Mistawasis Indian Reserve No. 103D; thence southerly and easterly along the westerly and southerly boundaries of said reserve to the westerly boundary of Mistawasis Indian Reserve No. 103; thence southerly, easterly and northerly along the westerly, southerly and easterly boundaries of said reserve to the southerly boundary of Mistawasis Indian Reserve No. 103B; thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and easterly boundaries of said reserve to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Leask No. 464; thence easterly, southerly and easterly along the northerly and easterly limits of said rural municipality to the North Saskatchewan River; thence generally southwesterly along said river to the westerly production of Vaughan Road and the south boundary of Sec 5 Tp 47 R 3 W 3; thence generally easterly along said production, Vaughan Road and an unnamed road to its intersection with an unnamed road within Sec 12 Tp 47 R 2 W3; thence generally southeasterly along said unnamed road to the east boundary of Sec 8 Tp 46 R 1 W 3; thence south and west along the east and south boundaries of said section to the east boundary of Sec 6 Tp 46 R 1 W 3; thence south along said boundary and the east boundary of Sec 31 Tp 45 R 1 W 3 to the north boundary of Sec 29 Tp 45 R 1 W 3; thence east along said boundary and the north boundary of secs 28 and 27 Tp 45 R 1 W 3 to the west boundary of Sec 35 Tp 45 R 1 W 3; thence north and east along the west and north boundaries of Sec 35 Tp 45 R 1 W 3 to the north boundary of Sec 36 Tp 45 R 1 W 3; thence east along said boundary to the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Duck Lake No. 463; thence southerly along said limit to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of St. Louis No. 431; thence generally easterly along said limit and along the northerly limit of the rural municipalities of Invergordon No. 430 and Flett’s Springs No. 429 to the point of commencement.


    • (a) commencing at the northeast corner of the Rural Municipality of Torch River No. 488; thence generally southerly along the easterly limit of said rural municipality and along the easterly limits of the rural municipalities of Nipawin No. 487, Connaught No. 457 and Tisdale No. 427 to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Tisdale No. 427; thence westerly along said limit and the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Star City No. 428 to the westerly limit said rural municipality; thence generally northerly along said limit to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Kinistino No. 459; thence generally westerly along said limit to the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Birch Hills No. 460; thence generally westerly along the southerly limit of said rural municipality and along the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Prince Albert No. 461 to the westerly limit of said rural municipality; thence northerly along said limit to the south boundary of Sec 1 Tp 46 R 1 W 3; thence west along the south boundary of secs 1 and 2 Tp 46 R 1 W 3 to the east boundary of Sec 34 Tp 45 R 1 W 3; thence south and west along the east and south boundaries of Sec 34 Tp 45 R 1 W 3 to the south boundary of Sec 33 Tp 45 R 1 W 3; thence west along the south boundary of Sec 33 and 32 Tp 45 R 1 W 3 to the west boundary of Sec 32 Tp 45 R 1 W 3; thence north along said boundary and along the west and north boundaries of Sec 5 Tp 46 R 1 W 3 to the west boundary of Sec 9 Tp 46 R 1 W 3; thence north along said boundary to an unnamed road near the south boundary of Sec 17 Tp 46 R 1 W 3; thence generally northwesterly along said unnamed road to its intersection with an unnamed road within Sec 12 Tp 47 R 2 W3; thence generally westerly along said unnamed road, Vaughan Road and its westerly production (south boundary of Tp 47) to the North Saskatchewan River; thence generally northeasterly along said river to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Shellbrook No. 493; thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly limits of said rural municipality to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Canwood No. 494; thence westerly along said limit to the easterly limit of Mistawasis Indian Reserve No. 103B; thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly limits of said Indian reserve to the easterly limit of Mistawasis Indian Reserve No. 103; thence southerly, westerly, and northerly along the easterly, southerly and westerly limits of said Indian reserve to the southerly limit of Mistawasis Indian Reserve No. 103D; thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly limits of said Indian reserve to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Canwood No. 494; thence westerly along said limit to the westerly limit of said rural municipality; thence generally northerly, westerly and northerly along the westerly limit of said rural municipality to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Big River No. 555; thence westerly, generally northeasterly and easterly along the southerly, westerly and northerly limits of said rural municipality to the westerly limit of the Prince Albert National Park of Canada; thence northerly, easterly and southerly along the westerly, northerly and easterly limits of said national park to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Lakeland No. 521; thence easterly along said limit and along the northerly and easterly limits of the Rural Municipality of Paddockwood No. 520 to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Torch River No. 488; thence easterly along said limit to the point of commencement;


    Consists of those parts of the Province of Saskatchewan and the City of Regina described as follows: commencing at the northeast corner of the Rural Municipality of Big Quill No. 308; thence generally southerly along the easterly limit of said rural municipality to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Emerald No. 277; thence easterly and southerly along the northerly and easterly limits of said rural municipality to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Ituna Bon Accord No. 246; thence easterly and generally southerly along the northerly and easterly limits of said rural municipality to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Tullymet No. 216; thence southerly along the easterly limit of said rural municipality to Highway 15; thence southeasterly along said highway to the westerly limit of the Village of Goodeve; thence southerly, easterly and northerly along the westerly, southerly and easterly limits of said village to Highway 15; thence southeasterly along said highway to the westerly limit of the Village of Fenwood; thence southerly, easterly and northerly along the westerly, southerly and easterly limits of said village to Highway 15; thence southeasterly along said highway to the east boundary of Sec 8 Tp 23 R 7 W 2; thence south along said boundary and the east boundary of Sec 5 Tp 23 R 7 W 2 to the north boundary of Sec 32 Tp 22 R 7 W 2; thence east and south along the north and east boundaries of Sec 32 Tp 22 R 7 W 2 to the north boundary of Sec 28 Tp 22 R 7 W 2; thence east and south along the north and east boundaries of Sec 28 Tp 2 R 7 W 2 and the east boundary of Sec 21 Tp 22 R 7 W 2 to Highway 10; thence generally southwesterly along said highway to Edward Street; thence northerly along said street to the southerly limit of the Village of Duff; thence easterly, northerly, southwesterly and southerly along the southerly, easterly, northwesterly and westerly limits of said village and its southerly production to Highway 10; thence southwesterly along said highway to the easterly boundary of Okanese Indian Reserve No. 82 (G and K); thence southerly, westerly and northerly along the easterly, southerly and westerly boundaries of said Indian reserve to Highway 10; thence southwesterly along said highway to the easterly boundary of Okanese Indian Reserve No. 82 (M); thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of said Indian reserve to Highway 10; thence southwesterly along said highway to the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Abernethy No. 186; thence generally southerly along said limit to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Wolseley No. 155; thence south along the east boundaries of secs 24, 13, 12 and 1 Tp 18 R 10 W 2 and secs 36, 25, 24, 13, 12 and 1 Tp 17 R 10 W 2 to the south boundary of Sec 1 Tp 17 R 10 W 2; thence west along said boundary and the south boundaries of secs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Tp 17 R 10 W 2 to the easterly limit of the Rural Municipality of Indian Head No. 156; thence westerly along the southerly limit of said rural municipality and the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of South Qu’Appelle No. 157 to the westerly limit of said rural municipality; thence westerly along Highway 48 and Fifth Base Line to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Edenwold No. 158; thence northerly along said limit to Highway 33; thence northwesterly along said highway to the easterly limit of the City of Regina; thence generally northerly along said limit to the Canadian Pacific Railway (at Tower Road); thence westerly along said railway to Albert Street; thence southerly along said street to Victoria Avenue; thence westerly along said avenue and its westerly production to Lewvan Drive; thence generally northerly along said drive to 1st Avenue North; thence westerly along said avenue to McCarthy Boulevard; thence generally northerly along said boulevard and McCarthy Boulevard North to Rochdale Boulevard; thence generally easterly along said boulevard to Pasqua Street North; thence northerly along said street to the unnamed road near the north boundary of Sec 24 Tp 18 R 20 W 2; thence easterly along said road to Highway 6; thence generally northerly along said highway to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Cupar No. 218; thence generally northerly along said limit and the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Touchwood No. 248 to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Mount Hope No. 279; thence northerly along Highway 6 to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Big Quill No. 308; thence generally northerly and easterly along the westerly and northerly limits of said rural municipality to the point of commencement.


    Consists of that part of the Province of Saskatchewan described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the east boundary of said province and the northeast corner of the Rural Municipality of Hudson Bay No. 394; thence south along the east boundary of said province to the Qu’Appelle River; thence generally westerly along said river to Crooked Lake; thence northerly and westerly along said lake to the easterly boundary of the Shesheep Indian Reserve No. 74A; thence generally northwesterly along the easterly and northerly boundaries of said Indian reserve and the easterly, northerly and westerly boundaries of Sakimay Indian Reserves nos. 74-12, 74-17 and 74-9 to Highway 47; thence southwesterly along said highway to the northerly boundary of Sakimay Indian Reserve No. 74-2; thence westerly and southerly along the northerly and westerly boundaries of said Indian reserve to the Qu’Appelle River; thence generally southwesterly along said river to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of McLeod No. 185; thence generally northerly along said limit to Highway 10; thence northeasterly along said highway to the southerly boundary of Okanese Indian Reserve No. 82 (M); thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and easterly boundaries of said Indian reserve to Highway 10; thence northeasterly along said highway to the westerly boundary of Okanese Indian Reserve No. 82 (G and K); thence southerly, easterly and northerly along the westerly, southerly and easterly boundaries of said Indian reserve to Highway 10; thence northeasterly along said highway to the southerly production of the westerly limit of the Village of Duff; thence northerly, northeasterly, southerly and westerly along said production and the westerly, northerly, easterly and southerly limits of said village to Edward Street; thence southerly along said street to Highway 10; thence northeasterly along said highway to the west boundary of Sec 22 Tp 22 R 7 W 2; thence north along said boundary and the west boundary of Sec 27 Tp 22 R 7 W 2 to the south boundary of Sec 33 Tp 22 R 7 W 2; thence west and north along the south and west boundaries of Sec 33 Tp 22 R 7 W 2 to the south boundary of Sec 4 Tp 23 R 7 W 2; thence west and north along the south and west boundaries of Sec 4 Tp 23 R 7 W 2 and the west boundary of Sec 9 Tp 23 R 7 W 2 to Highway 15; thence northwesterly along said highway to the easterly limit of the Village of Fenwood; thence southerly, westerly and northerly along the easterly, southerly and westerly limits of said village to Highway 15; thence northwesterly along said highway to the easterly limit of the Village of Goodeve; thence southerly, westerly and northerly along the easterly, southerly and westerly limits of said village to Highway 15; thence northwesterly along said highway to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Stanley No. 215; thence northerly along said limit to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Garry No. 245; thence northerly along the westerly limit of said rural municipality to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Foam Lake No. 276; thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly limits of said rural municipality to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Elfros No. 307; thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly limits of said rural municipality to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Lakeside No. 338; thence westerly and generally northerly along the southerly and westerly limits of said rural municipality and the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Spalding No. 368 to the southerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Pleasantdale No. 398; thence northerly and easterly along the westerly and northerly limits of said rural municipality and the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Barrier Valley No. 397 to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Bjorkdale No. 426; thence northerly along said limit and the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Arborfield No. 456 to the southerly limit of the Village of Zenon Park; thence generally northeasterly and westerly along the easterly and northerly limits of said village to the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Arborfield No. 456; thence northerly along said limit and the westerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Moose Range No. 486 to the northerly limit of said rural municipality; thence northeasterly and southerly along the northerly and easterly limits of said rural municipality to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Hudson Bay No. 394; thence generally southerly along the westerly limit of said rural municipality to the north boundary of Tp 45 (also the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Porcupine No. 395); thence east along said boundary to Highway 9; thence generally northerly along said highway to the westerly boundary of the Opaskwayak Cree Nation Indian Reserve No. 27A; thence generally southerly, easterly and northerly along the westerly, southerly and easterly boundaries of said Indian reserve to Highway 9; thence easterly and northeasterly along said highway to the northerly limit of the Rural Municipality of Hudson Bay No. 394; thence easterly along said limit to the point of commencement.


    Consists of:

    • [...]

    • (e) that part of the Municipal District of Greenview No. 16 lying northerly of the northerly boundary of Tp 64 and westerly of a line described as follows: commencing at a point on the northerly boundary of Tp 64 at approximate latitude 54°35’19”N and longitude 117°30′34″W; thence northerly in a straight line to the southerly boundary of Sturgeon Lake Indian Reserve No. 154; thence northerly, easterly and northerly along the easterly boundary of said Indian reserve to the westerly production of Township Road 704; thence easterly along said production to Range Road 230; thence northerly along said road, Range Road 225 and its intermittent production to the northerly limit of said municipal district (Township Road 740); thence westerly and generally northerly along said limit of said municipal district to the Little Smoky River; and


    Consists of:

    • [...]

    • (e) that part of the Municipal District of Greenview No. 16 lying northerly of the Berland River and easterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the southerly limit of said municipal district and a point along the Berland River at approximate latitude 54°02′37″N and longitude 117°30′42″W; thence northerly in a straight line to the southerly boundary of Sturgeon Lake Indian Reserve No. 154; thence northerly, easterly and northerly along the easterly boundary of said Indian reserve to the westerly production of Township Road 704; thence easterly along said production to Range Road 230; thence northerly along said road, Range Road 225 and its intermittent production to the northerly limit of said municipal district (Township Road 740); thence westerly and generally northerly along said limit of said municipal district to the Little Smoky River;


  2. Wildlife Area Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1609 (SCHEDULE I : Wildlife Areas)



    • 1 Nisutlin River Delta National Wildlife Area


      That certain parcel of land shown as Nisutlin River Delta National Wildlife Area on Appendix B Maps, Sheets 23, 46, 47, 48 and 49 of the Teslin Tlingit Council Final Agreement dated the 29th day of May 1993 between the Teslin Tlingit Council, the Government of Canada and the Government of the Yukon; said maps recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa under number 75204; said parcel being more particularly described as follows:


      Thence northerly along the easterly bank of the Nisutlin River to the southerly bank of the Wolf River at approximate latitude 60°16′35″ and approximate longitude 132°33′05″;



  3. Peterborough Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/94-123 (SCHEDULE)



    The outer boundary of the land to which these Regulations apply, shown on Peterborough Airport Zoning Plan No. 15-006 89-43, Sheets 1 to 4 and 6 to 9 dated December 29, 1989, is described as follows:


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of said Lot 5 to the north westerly corner of Lot 6, Concession 5, Township of South Monaghan;


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of Lot 14, Concession 16, to the northeast corner of the said Lot 14, Concession 16;


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of Lot 17, Lot 18, Lot 19 and Lot 20, Concession 15, Township of Otonabee, to the northeast corner of the said Lot 20, Concession 15;


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of Lot 23, Concession 16, to the northeast corner thereof;


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of Lot 10, Concession 10, part in the Township of North Monaghan, and part in the City of Peterborough to the northeasterly corner of the said Lot 10;


  4. North Battleford Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/92-648 (SCHEDULE)



    The boundary of the outer limits of lands, shown on North Battleford Airport Zoning Plan No. E.2745 dated November 30, 1989, is described as follows:


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limits of Parcel B and 97th Street to the southerly limit of 15th Avenue;


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of 98th Street to the southerly limit of 16th Avenue;


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of 99th Street to the southerly limit of 18th Avenue;


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of 100th Street to the southerly limit of 19th Avenue;


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of 101st Street to the southerly limit of 20th Avenue;


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of MacDonald Drive and the production thereof to the northerly limit of Douglas Avenue;


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of Parcel E to the northeasterly corner thereof;


  5. Weyburn Airport Zoning Regulations - SOR/92-21 (SCHEDULE)



    The boundary of the outer limits of lands, shown on Weyburn Airport Zoning Plan No. E.2702 dated November 14, 1988, is described as follows:


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of Eighteenth Street to an intersection with the northerly limit of Warren Avenue as shown on Registered Plan 78-R-51308;


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of Block 26 to the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 26, Registered Plan 77-R-51120;


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of McLelland Street and its production across fifth Avenue North to an intersection with the southerly limit of Parcel F, Registered Plan 78-R-24931;


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of Parcel A, Registered Plan A.X. 3122 to the northeast corner of Parcel A;


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of Registered Plan 81-R-41533 to an intersection with the southerly limit of Parcel A, Registered Plan G.C. 3077;


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of Parcel Z and the northerly production of the easterly limit of Parcel Z to an intersection with the southeasterly limit of Registered Plan D.M. 5570;


    THENCE northerly along the easterly limit of the northwest quarter Section 9 to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter Section 9;




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