Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Alberta Fishery Regulations, 1998

Version of the schedule from 2018-03-07 to 2024-07-23:

SCHEDULE 1(Section 1)Game Fish and Bait Fish


Species of Game Fish

Column 1Column 2
ItemCommon NameScientific Name
1Arctic graylingThymallus arcticus
2GoldeyeHiodon alosoides
3Lake sturgeonAcipenser fulvescens
4Lake whitefishCoregonus clupeaformis
5MooneyeHiodon tergisus
6Mountain whitefishProsopium williamsoni
7Northern pike (Jackfish)Esox lucius
8SaugerSander canadensis
  • (a) Brook trout

Salvelinus fontinalis
  • (b) Brown trout

Salmo trutta
  • (c) Bull trout (Dolly Varden)

Salvelinus confluentus (S. malma)
  • (d) Cutthroat trout

Oncorhynchus clarki
  • (e) Golden trout

Oncorhynchus aquabonita
  • (f) Lake trout

Salvelinus namaycush
  • (g) Rainbow trout

Oncorhynchus mykiss
  • (h) Tiger trout

Salmo trutta X Salvelinus fontinalis
10Tullibee (Cisco, Lake herring)Coregonus artedii
11WalleyeSander vitreus
12Yellow perchPerca flavescens
13Burbot (ling)Lota lota


Species of Bait Fish

Column 1Column 2
ItemCommon NameScientific Name
1Iowa darterEtheostoma exile
2Minnows, except carp, goldfish and western silvery minnowFamily Cyprinidae
3SticklebacksFamily Gasterosteidae
4SuckersFamily Catostomidae
5Trout perchPercopsis omiscomaycus
  • SOR/2005-296, s. 3 to 5
  • SOR/2018-34, s. 2

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