The British Columbia Indian Lands Settlement Act (S.C. 1920, c. 51)
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Act current to 2025-03-03
The British Columbia Indian Lands Settlement Act
S.C. 1920, c. 51
Assented to 1920-07-01
An Act to provide for the Settlement of Differences between the Governments of the Dominion of Canada and the Province of British Columbia respecting Indian Lands and certain other Indian Affairs in the said Province
Whereas by Memorandum of Agreement bearing date the twenty-fourth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, made between J. A. J. McKenna, Special Commissioner appointed by the Governor in Council to investigate the condition of Indian affairs in British Columbia, and the Honourable Sir Richard McBride as Premier of the Province of British Columbia, an Agreement was arrived at, subject to the approval of the Governments of the Dominion and of the Province, for the purpose of settling all differences between the said Governments respecting Indian lands and Indian affairs generally in the Province of British Columbia, and for the final adjustment of all matters relating thereto by the appointment of a Royal Commission for the purpose set out in the Agreement; and whereas by orders in council subsequently made by the respective Governments of the Dominion and the Province the said Agreement was approved, subject to the further provision that, notwithstanding anything in the said Agreement contained, the acts and proceedings of the Royal Commission shall be subject to the approval of the two Governments, and that the Governments agree to consider favourably the reports, whether final or interim, of the Royal Commission, with a view to give effect as far as reasonably may be to the acts, proceedings and recommendations of the Royal Commission, and to take all such steps and proceedings as may be reasonably necessary with the object of carrying into execution the settlement provided for by the Agreement in accordance with its true intent and purpose; and whereas a Royal Commission on Indian affairs for the Province of British Columbia was duly appointed for the purpose of carrying out the said Agreement; and whereas the said Royal Commission has since reported its recommendations as to lands reserved and to be reserved for Indians in the Province of British Columbia, and otherwise for the settling of all differences between the said Governments respecting Indian lands and Indian affairs generally in the said Province: Now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
Marginal note:Short title
1 This Act may be cited as The British Columbia Indian Lands Settlement Act.
Marginal note:Power given to Governor in Council to settle differences between Canada and B.C. with respect to Indian matters
2 To the full extent to which the Governor in Council may consider it reasonable and expedient the Governor in Council may do, execute, and fulfil every act, deed, matter or thing necessary for the carrying out of the said Agreement between the Governments of the Dominion of Canada and the Province of British Columbia according to its true intent, and for giving effect to the report of the said Royal Commission, either in whole or in part, and for the full and final adjustment and settlement of all differences between the said Governments respecting Indian lands and Indian affairs in the Province.
Marginal note:Power to order reductions or cutoffs from reserves without surrender by Indians; Further negotiations
3 For the purpose of adjusting, readjusting or confirming the reductions or cutoffs from reserves in accordance with the recommendations of the Royal Commission, the Governor in Council may order such reductions or cutoffs to be effected without surrenders of the same by the Indians, notwithstanding any provisions of the Indian Act to the contrary, and may carry on such further negotiations and enter into such further agreements with the Government of the Province of British Columbia as may be found necessary for a full and final adjustment of the differences between the said Governments.
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