Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Government Employees Compensation Regulations (C.R.C., c. 880)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-17

Government Employees Compensation Regulations

C.R.C., c. 880


Regulations Made Under the Government Employees Compensation Act

Short Title

 These Regulations may be cited as the Government Employees Compensation Regulations.

Compensation to Employee or Dependants

 An employee who is disabled by reason of a disease that is not an industrial disease but is due to the nature of his employment and peculiar to or characteristic of the particular process, trade or occupation in which he is employed at the time the disease was contracted and the dependants of a deceased employee whose death is caused by reason of such a disease, are entitled to receive compensation at the same rate as they would be entitled to receive under the Government Employees Compensation Act if the disease were an industrial disease, and the right to and the amount of such compensation shall be determined by the same board, officers or authorities and in the same manner as if the disease were an industrial disease.

  •  (1) Any employee, except an employee engaged locally outside Canada, who is disabled by reason of any disease that results from the environmental conditions of any place outside Canada to which he was assigned and the dependants of a deceased employee whose death is caused by reason of such a disease, are entitled to receive compensation at the same rate as they would be entitled to receive under the Government Employees Compensation Act if the disease were an industrial disease, and the right to and the amount of such compensation shall be determined by the same board, officers or authorities and in the same manner as if the disease were an industrial disease.

  • (2) For the purposes of determining whether an employee or his dependants are entitled to receive compensation under this section, a certificate of a medical doctor employed by the Department of National Health and Welfare certifying that the disease

    • (a) is clearly attributable to environmental conditions of the place outside Canada to which the employee was assigned, and

    • (b) [Revoked, SOR/86-942, s. 1]

    shall be accepted as prima facie proof that the disease results from the environmental conditions of the place outside Canada to which the employee was assigned.

  • SOR/86-942, s. 1

 [Revoked, SOR/86-942, s. 2]


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