Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Supreme Court of Yukon Summary Conviction Appeal Rules, 2009 (SI/2012-64)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2010-01-04. Previous Versions

FORM 1Supreme Court of Yukon

T.C. No. blank line

S.C. No. blank line




blank line


Notice of AppealParticulars of Decision on Appeal

  • 1 Name of Judge or Justice of the Peace at trial: blank line

  • 2 Place of conviction, acquittal, sentence or order: blank line

    blank line

  • 3 Section(s) of Criminal Code or other Act, and the offence(s) which the appellant was convicted/acquitted of at trial

    blank line(circle one)

    blank line

  • 4 Plea(s) at trial: blank line

  • 5 Length of trial: blank line

  • 6 Date of conviction/acquittal at trial: blank line

    (circle one)

  • 7 Date of sentence: blank line

  • 8 Sentence at trial: blank line

    blank line

  • 9 Is appellant in custody? blank line

    Since when? blank line

TAKE NOTICE THAT the appellant appeals the conviction ☐ acquittal ☐ sentence ☐ order ☐ on the following grounds:

blank line

blank line

blank line

blank line

blank line

(Use additional sheet if necessary)

The relief sought is: blank line

blank line

blank line

The appellant’s address for service is: blank line

blank line

The appellant’s phone number is: blank line

The appellant’s fax number is (if applicable): blank line

The appellant’s email address is (if applicable): blank line

Dated this blank line day of blank line, 20blank line.

blank line
Appellant (or Appellant’s counsel or agent)

To: The Respondent

Notice of First Appearance

This appeal will be spoken to in Supreme Court criminal chambers on blank line, the blank line day of blank line, 20blank line, at blank line o’clock in the A.M./P.M.

blank line
Clerk of the Appeal Court

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