Assigning to the Minister of the Environment the Administration, Management and Control of Certain Public Lands (SI/81-90)
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Regulations are current to 2025-03-03
1 In the province of Québec
Îles de Contrecoeur National Wildlife Area
(1) All those islands and parts of islands and the islet in the St. Lawrence River, lots and parts of lots in the Registration Division of Verchères, in the parish of Contrecoeur, more particularly described under Firstly to Thirdly as follows:
Firstly, lots 428 to 477 inclusive, being the whole of Saint-Ours Island; lots 479 and 480, being the whole of Contrecoeur Island; lots 486 to 489 inclusive, being the whole of Ronde Island; lots 490 to 510 inclusive, being the whole of Grande Island; lots 511 to 523 inclusive, being the whole of Devant l’Église Island; lot 525, being the whole of the island known as Aux Oignons Island; lots 526 to 541 inclusive, being the whole of Aux Rats Island; lots 542 and 543, being the whole of the islet of Aux Rats Island; lot 578, being the whole of Richard Island;
Secondly, that part of the island known as Dorval Island, or Duval Island, described as 1/3, 1/3 and 1/6 undivided interests in lot 478 in deeds registered in the Registry Office at Verchères under numbers 114915, 146958 and 146959, respectively;
Thirdly, lots 569 to 577 inclusive, described in a deed registered in the Registry Office at Verchères under number 155169;
all the aforementioned islands and lots are shown on plan 66181 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa.
(2) All that island in the St. Lawrence River, in the Registration Division of Berthier, in the parish of Saint-Antoine-de-Lavaltrie, more particularly described as follows:
Lot 1, being the whole of Mousseau Island, described in deeds registered in the Registry Office at Berthier under numbers 191183 and 191184, respectively.
2 In the Province of Saskatchewan
Prairie National Wildlife Area
(27) Unit number 27
Being all those parcels of land in township 12, Range 9, west of the second meridian; the northeast quarter, the northwest quarter, the southeast quarter and southwest quarter of section one (1); less those parts in said quarter sections lying within a Reservoir right-of-way according to plan Q4849 in the Lands Titles Office for the Regina Land Registration District; those parts in said southeast and southwest quarters lying within the road widening according to plan 63R03177 in said Lands Titles Office; the remainder containing 162.7 hectares, (402 acres), more or less.
- SI/98-103, Sch., Pt. 2, s. 2
- Date modified: