Assigning to the Minister of the Environment, the Administration, Management and Control of Certain Public Lands (SI/84-62)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-17
Assigning to the Minister of the Environment, the Administration, Management and Control of Certain Public Lands
Registration 1984-05-02
Assigning to the Minister of the Environment, the Administration, Management and Control of Certain Public Lands
P.C. 1984-1219 1984-04-12
Whereas the Governor General in Council is satisfied that the public lands described in the schedule hereto are required for wildlife research, conservation or interpretation.
Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to subsection 4(1) of the Canada Wildlife Act, is pleased hereby to assign to the Minister of the Environment the administration, management and control of the public lands described in the schedule hereto.
1 In the Province of Ontario
Long Point National Wildlife Area
Being all those parcels of land, in the regional municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk, in the Township of Norfolk, formerly in the geographic township of South-Walsingham, County of Norfolk, described under Firstly to Fourthly as follows:
Firstly, the whole of Block 1, the easterly 3/4 of Block 2, the whole of Block 3 to Block 5 inclusive and the whole of Lot 1, of Block 7; as said Lot and Blocks are patented by Instrument No. 380362, in the Land Registry Office for the Land Registry Division of Norfolk (No. 37) at Simcoe, dated December 29, 1977;
Secondly, the whole of Block 6, the whole of Lots 2 to 11 inclusive of Block 7 and the whole of Block 8 to Block 12 inclusive; excepting thereout of said Block 12, that part designated Part 1, according to plan 37R-1354, deposited in said Land Registry Office; as said Lots and Blocks are patented by Instrument No. 390158 in said Land Registry Office, dated April 11, 1979;
Thirdly, that part of Block 16, which is designated as Part 1 on deposited plan 37R-1303 in the said Land Registry Office, dated July 18, 1978, as said part is patented by said Instrument No. 390158;
Fourthly, the whole of Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 on deposited plan 37R-2507 in said Land Registry Office, as said parts are patented by said Instrument No. 390158 and identified therein as Parcels “B” and “BB”; Included within the said Lots, Blocks and Parts described in Firstly to Fourthly above are all the lands adjacent to the said Lots, Blocks and Parts that on the 4th day of May, 1866, lay outside the traverse lines of survey of the outlines of said LONG POINT and shown on a plan of survey by James Black, Provincial Land Surveyor and dated April 24, 1856; Saving and excepting from the above described Lots, Blocks and Parts, a strip of land along the water’s edge of Lake Erie and Long Point Bay, having a depth of 132 feet from said water’s edge;
said strip being excepted for fishing purposes, but reserving always free access across the same in the rear thereof as set out in the original grant from the Crown for the said Lots and Blocks.
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