Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Regulations (SOR/2009-219)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-17 and last amended on 2009-09-18. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE(Section 9, subsection 11(1) and section 13)

FORM 1Information Pertaining to Initial Order

(To be filed with the Superintendent of Bankruptcy under paragraph 23(1)(f) of the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act)

The following information pertains to the order made on the initial application in respect of blank line (name of debtor company):

  • 1 
    Name of court, judicial district and court file number:
    • blank line
    • blank line
    • blank line
  • 2 
    Date on which order is made: blank line
  • 3 
    Debtor company’s head office address, telephone number and Web site address, if any:
    • blank line
    • blank line
    • blank line
  • 4 
    Names under which debtor company carries on business, if different from name set out above:
    • blank line
    • blank line
  • 5 
    Name and Web site address of monitor:
    • blank line
    • blank line
    • blank line
  • 6 
    Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of monitor’s representative responsible for the proceedings:
    • blank line
    • blank line
    • blank line
  • 7 
    Web page address created for the proceedings, if any:
    • blank line
    • blank line

Dated at blank line, blank line, on blank line 20blank line.

blank line
Monitor’s representative responsible for the proceedings

FORM 2Debtor Company Information Summary (Commencement of Proceedings)

(To be filed with the Superintendent of Bankruptcy under paragraph 23(1)(f) of the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act)

PART 1Information Respecting Debtor Company

  • 1 
    Name, including names under which the debtor company carries on business, if any:
    • blank line
    • blank line
    • blank line
  • 2 
    Debtor company’s head office address, telephone number and Web site address, if any:
    • blank line
    • blank line
    • blank line
  • 3 
    The debtor company is

    □ a not-for-profit body corporate,

    □ an income trust, or

    □ other (Specify: blank line)

  • 4 
    Industry type code using the North American Industry Classification System:
    • blank line
  • 5 
    Names and titles of directors and officers:
    • blank line
    • blank line
    • blank line
  • 6 
    Any other names used by the debtor company during the 24-month period before the making of the order on the initial application, including names under which the company carried on business:
    • blank line
    • blank line
    • blank line
  • 7 
    Previous proceedings:
  • 8 
    Are debtor company’s shares or units publicly traded? blank line□ yes □ no
    • If yes, index symbol: blank line country: blank line
  • 9 
    Incorporation number, if applicable:blank line

    □ Federal

    □ Provincial (Specify: blank line)

    □ Otherblank line(Specify: blank line)

  • 10 
    Are there companies that are affiliated with or subsidiaries of the debtor company?
    • □ yes □ no
    • If yes, names of affiliated and subsidiary companies:
      • blank line
      • blank line
      • blank line
  • 11 
    Date of the most recent consolidated financial statements of debtor company:
    • blank line/blank line/blank line(YYYY/MM/DD)
  • 12 
    The statements referred to in item 11 are:

    □ audited (Name of auditor:blank line)

    □ unaudited

  • 13 
    Book values for the debtor company set out in the statements referred to in item 11:
      Book value of total assets: blank line$blank line
      Book value of total liabilities: blank line$blank line

      blank line• secured: blank line $blank line

      blank line• unsecured: blank line $blank line

      blank line• trust claims: $blank line

      Book value of total liabilities that are contingent: $blank line
  • 14 
    Does the debtor company participate in any prescribed pension plans for the benefit of its employees? □ yes □ no
    • If yes, give name of each plan and indicate whether it is a defined benefit or defined contribution plan:
      • blank line
      • blank line
      • blank line
  • 15 
    Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of debtor company’s legal counsel:
    • blank line
    • blank line
    • blank line

PART 2Information Respecting Debtor Company

  • 16 
    Monitor’s toll-free number for the proceedings, if any: blank line
    • Monitor’s Web page created for the proceedings, if any: blank line
  • 17 
    Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of monitor’s legal counsel:
    • blank line
    • blank line
    • blank line

PART 3To Be Completed if There Is a Foreign Proceeding

  • 18 
    Name of foreign representative: blank line
  • 19 
    Country, name of court, judicial district and court file number:
    • blank line
    • blank line
    • blank line
  • 20 
    Indicate whether the proceeding is

    □ a foreign main proceeding, or

    □ a foreign non-main proceeding.

  • 21 
    Date of first order in foreign proceeding: blank line/blank line/blank line(YYYY/MM/DD)

Dated at blank line, blank line, on blank line 20blank line.

blank line
Monitor’s representative responsible for the proceedings

FORM 3Debtor Company Information Summary (Following the Order Discharging the Monitor)

(To be filed with the Superintendent of Bankruptcy under paragraph 23(1)(f) of the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act)

PART 1Information Respecting Debtor Company

  • 1 
    Name of debtor company: blank line
  • 2 
    File number assigned by the Superintendent of Bankruptcy: blank line
  • 3 
    Date of the most recent consolidated financial statements for debtor company:
    • blank line/blank line/blank line(YYYY/MM/DD)
  • 4 
    The statements referred to in item 3 are:

    □ audited (Name of auditor:blank line)

    □ unaudited

  • 5 
    Book values for the debtor company set out in the statements referred to in item 3:
      Book value of total assets: $blank line
      Book value of total liabilities: $blank line

      blank line• secured: blank line $blank line

      blank line• unsecured: blank line $blank line

      blank line• trust claims: $blank line

      Book value of total liabilities that are contingent: $blank line
  • 6 
    Does the debtor company participate in any prescribed pension plan for the benefit of its employees? □ yes □ no
    • If yes, give name of each plan and indicate whether it is a defined benefit or defined contribution plan:
      • blank line
      • blank line
      • blank line

PART 2Information Respecting Proceedings

  • 7 
    Was interim financing granted by court order under section 11.2 of the Act? □ yes □ no
    • If yes,
        amount of interim financing granted by court order: $ blank line
        amount drawn: $ blank line
  • 8 
    Was a compromise or arrangement sanctioned by the court? □ yes □ no
    • If yes,
        Date on which the compromise or arrangement was sanctioned by the court: blank line/blank line/blank line(YYYY/MM/DD)
        Was the compromise or arrangement approved by the creditors before the initial application was made? □ yes □ no
        Was the compromise or arrangement completed? □ yes □ no
  • 9 
    Name of debtor company at time of monitor’s discharge:
    • blank line
    • blank line

PART 3To Be Completed if There Is a Foreign Proceeding

  • 10 
    Name of foreign representative: blank line
  • 11 
    Country, name of court, judicial district and court file number:
    • blank line
    • blank line
    • blank line
  • 12 
    Indicate if the proceeding is a

    □ a foreign main proceeding, or

    □ a foreign non-main proceeding.

  • 13 
    Date of first order in foreign proceeding: blank line/blank line/blank line(YYYY/MM/DD)

Dated at blank line, blank line, on blank line 20blank line.

blank line
Monitor’s representative responsible for the proceedings

FORM 4Notice by Debtor Company To Disclaim or Resiliate an Agreement

To blank line, (monitor and parties to the agreement)

Take notice that

  • 1 Proceedings under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (“the Act”) in respect of blank line (name of debtor company) were commenced on the blank line day of blank line, 20blank line.

  • 2 In accordance with subsection 32(1) of the Act, the debtor company gives you notice of its intention to disclaim or resiliate the following agreement (provide sufficient details of the agreement to enable it to be identified):

    blank line

    blank line

    blank line

  • 3 In accordance with subsection 32(2) of the Act, any party to the agreement may, within 15 days after the day on which this notice is given and with notice to the other parties to the agreement and to the monitor, apply to court for an order that the agreement is not to be disclaimed or resiliated.

  • 4 In accordance with paragraph 32(5)(a) of the Act, if no application for an order is made in accordance with subsection 32(2) of the Act, the agreement is disclaimed or resiliated on the blank line day of blank line, 20blank line, being 30 days after the day on which this notice has been given.

Dated at blank line, blank line, on blank line 20blank line.

blank line
Debtor Company
The monitor approves the proposed disclaimer or resiliation.
Dated at blank line, blank line, on blank line 20blank line.
blank line
Monitor’s representative responsible for the proceedings

Date modified: