Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001 (SOR/2001-269)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2022-09-27. Previous Versions
PART 1Toxic Products (continued)
Determination of Toxicity (continued)
Marginal note:Additivity formulas — LD50 or LC50 of mixtures
36 (1) The LD50 or LC50 of a mixture may be determined from the LD50 or LC50 of its ingredients that are present in a concentration of 1% or more, using one of the following additivity formulas, as the case may be:
(a) for a solid or a liquid
LD50 = 1/[(Pa/LD50a)+(Pb/LD50b)+...+(Pn/LD50n)]
- LD50
- represents the LD50 of the mixture,
- LD50a to LD50n
- represent the LD50 of each ingredient that is present in a concentration of 1% or more, and
- Pa to Pn
- represent the proportion by weight of each ingredient that is present in a concentration of 1% or more; or
(b) for a gas, vapour, dust, mist or fume
LC50 = 1/[(Pa/LC50a)+(Pb/LC50b)+...+(Pn/LC50n)]
- LC50
- represents the LC50 of the mixture,
- LC50a to LC50n
- represent the LC50 of each ingredient that is present in a concentration of 1% or more, and
- Pa to Pn
- represent the proportion by weight of each ingredient that is present in a concentration of 1% or more.
Marginal note:Complex mixture
(2) For the purposes of the additivity formulas set out in subsection (1), “ingredient” includes a complex mixture.
Marginal note:When LD50 or LC50 of ingredient is not known but can be estimated
(3) When the LD50 or LC50 of one or more ingredients present in a chemical product in a concentration of 1% or more is not known, the responsible person may, in the additivity formulas set out in subsection (1), use an estimated LD50 or LC50 determined in accordance with good scientific practices.
Marginal note:When LD50 or LC50 of ingredient is not known and cannot be estimated
(4) When the LD50 or LC50 of one or more ingredients present in a chemical product is not known and cannot be estimated from information referred to in paragraph 35(1)(b) or (c), the responsible person, in the additivity formulas set out in subsection (1), must substitute for the LD50 or LC50 of the ingredient, the LD50 or LC50 of the most toxic known ingredient that is present in the product at a concentration of 1% or more.
- SOR/2016-170, s. 8(E)
Marginal note:Conversion to a 4-hour LC50
37 An LC50 obtained during a duration of exposure of other than four hours must be converted to an LC50 equivalent to a duration of exposure of four hours by using one of the following formulas, as the case may be:
(a) for a gas or vapour
LC50 of 4 hours = (LC50y)(y½/2)
- LC50 of 4 hours
- represents the LC50 of the mixture for a duration of exposure of four hours,
- LC50y
- represents the LC50 of the mixture for a duration of exposure of y hours, and
- y
- represents the actual duration of exposure expressed in hours and must be no greater than 10 hours; or
(b) for a dust, mist or fume
LC50 of 4 hours = (LC50y)(y/4)
- LC50 of 4 hours
- represents the LC50 of the mixture for a duration of exposure of four hours,
- LC50y
- represents the LC50 of the mixture for a duration of exposure of y hours, and
- y
- represents the actual duration of exposure expressed in hours and must be no greater than 10 hours.
Very Toxic Products
Marginal note:Prohibition
38 The manufacturing, importation, advertising or sale of a chemical product that is classified in the sub-category “very toxic” under section 33 is prohibited.
- SOR/2011-24, s. 4
- SOR/2016-170, s. 5
Required Information
Marginal note:Required information — sub-category “toxic”
39 (1) The container of a chemical product that is classified in the sub-category “toxic” under section 33 must display, for each type of information set out in column 1 of the table to this subsection, and for each applicable route of exposure set out in column 2, the information set out in columns 3 and 4, other than the instructions set out in italics.
Required Information — Sub-Category “Toxic”
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Item Type of information Applicable route of exposure English information French information 1 Hazard symbol All 2 Signal word All DANGER DANGER 3 Primary hazard statement All POISON POISON 4 Specific hazard statement (a) Oral or aspiration
or, if only the vapour or fume poses a hazard:
or, if only the vapour or fume poses a hazard:
5 Negative instructions (a) Oral or aspiration
Do not swallow. Ne pas avaler. (b) Oral and contains 1% or more methyl alcohol and a total quantity of 5 mL or more
May cause blindness if swallowed. L’ingestion peut causer la cécité. (c) Dermal
Do not get in eyes or on skin or clothing. Éviter tout contact avec les yeux, la peau et les vêtements. (d) Inhalation
Do not breathe fumes. Ne pas respirer les émanations. 6 Positive instructions (a) All
Keep out of reach of children. Tenir hors de la portée des enfants. (b) Oral or aspiration
Wear [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., a mask.]. Porter [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., un masque.]. (c) Dermal
Wear [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., rubber gloves, safety glasses.]. Porter [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., des gants de caoutchouc, des lunettes de sécurité.]. (d) Inhalation
Use only in a well-ventilated area.
Wear [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., a mask, a respirator.].
N’utiliser que dans un endroit bien aéré.
Porter [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., un masque, un respirateur.].
7 First aid statement (a) All
Contains [name of hazardous ingredients in descending order of proportion].
If swallowed, call a Poison Control Centre or doctor immediately.
Contient [name of hazardous ingredients in descending order of proportion].
En cas d’ingestion, appeler immédiatement un centre antipoison ou un médecin.
(b) Oral or aspiration
When appropriate, [Insert instructions for administering first aid, e.g., Do not induce vomiting.]. When appropriate, [Insert instructions for administering first aid, e.g., Ne pas provoquer le vomissement.]. (c) Dermal
If in eyes or on skin, rinse well with water.
If on clothes, remove clothes.
En cas de contact avec les yeux ou la peau, bien rincer avec de l’eau.
En cas de contact avec les vêtements, enlever ceux-ci.
(d) Inhalation
If breathed in, move person into fresh air. En cas d’inhalation, transporter à l’air frais la personne exposée. Marginal note:Required information — sub-category “harmful”
(2) The container of a chemical product that is classified in the sub-category “harmful” under section 33 must display, for each type of information set out in column 1 of the table to this subsection, and for each applicable route of exposure set out in column 2, the information set out in columns 3 and 4, other than the instructions set out in italics.
Required Information — Sub-Category “Harmful”
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Item Type of information Applicable route of exposure English information French information 1 Hazard symbol All 2 Signal word All CAUTION ATTENTION 3 Primary hazard statement All POISON POISON 4 Specific hazard statement (a) Oral or aspiration CONTENTS MAY BE HARMFUL LE CONTENU PEUT ÊTRE NOCIF (b) Dermal
or, if only the vapour or fume poses a hazard:
or, if only the vapour or fume poses a hazard:
5 Negative instructions (a) Oral or aspiration
Do not swallow. Ne pas avaler. (b) Dermal
Do not get in eyes or on skin or clothing. Éviter tout contact avec les yeux, la peau et les vêtements. (c) Inhalation
Do not breathe fumes. Ne pas respirer les émanations. 6 Positive instructions (a) All
Keep out of reach of children. Tenir hors de la portée des enfants. (b) Oral or aspiration
Wear [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., a mask.]. Porter [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., un masque.]. (c) Dermal
Wear [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., rubber gloves, safety glasses.]. Porter [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., des gants de caoutchouc, des lunettes de sécurité.]. (d) Inhalation
Use only in a well-ventilated area.
Wear [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., a mask, a respirator.].
N’utiliser que dans un endroit bien aéré.
Porter [Insert description of the specific safety equipment relevant to the hazard, e.g., un masque, un respirateur.].
7 First aid statement (a) All
Contains [name of hazardous ingredients in descending order of proportion].
If swallowed, call a Poison Control Centre or doctor immediately.
Contient [name of hazardous ingredients in descending order of proportion].
En cas d’ingestion, appeler immédiatement un centre antipoison ou un médecin.
(b) Oral or aspiration
When appropriate, [Insert instructions for administering first aid, e.g., Do not induce vomiting.]. When appropriate, [Insert instructions for administering first aid, e.g., Ne pas provoquer le vomissement.]. (c) Dermal
If in eyes or on skin, rinse well with water.
If on clothes, remove clothes.
En cas de contact avec les yeux ou la peau, bien rincer avec de l’eau.
En cas de contact avec les vêtements, enlever ceux-ci.
(d) Inhalation
If breathed in, move person into fresh air. En cas d’inhalation, transporter à l’air frais la personne exposée. (3) [Repealed, SOR/2009-165, s. 12]
- SOR/2009-165, s. 12
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