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  1. Nova Scotia Milk Order - SOR/94-626 (Section 3)
    •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Commission is authorized to regulate the marketing of milk in interprovincial trade and for that purpose may, with respect to persons and property situated within the Province of Nova Scotia, exercise all or any powers like the powers exercisable by the Commission in relation to the marketing of milk locally within the province under the Act and a Plan.

    • (2) The authority to regulate the marketing of milk in interprovincial trade does not include any power that is exercised by the Canadian Dairy Commission under the Canadian Dairy Commission Act in relation to the marketing of milk in interprovincial trade.


  2. Nova Scotia Milk Order - SOR/94-626

    Interprovincial Trade

  3. Nova Scotia Milk Order - SOR/94-626

    His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Agriculture, pursuant to subsections 2(1) and (2) of the Agricultural Products Marketing Act, is pleased hereby to repeal the Nova Scotia Milk Order, made by Order in Council P.C. 1984-1304 of April 18, 1984Footnote *, and to make the annexed Order granting authority to the Nova Scotia Dairy Commission to regulate the marketing in interprovincial and export trade of milk produced in Nova Scotia, in substitution therefor.


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