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  1. Order Giving Notice of Decisions not to add Certain Species to the List of Endangered Species - SI/2006-110 (ANNEX 1 : Statement Setting Out the Reasons for Not Adding Five Populations of the Beluga Whale, Porbeagle Shark, and Two Populations of the White Sturgeon to the List)



    Porbeagle Shark (Lamna nasus)


    In the absence of a provision that allows for the possession and trade of listed species in certain circumstances, listing the porbeagle under the Act would eliminate the directed porbeagle fishery and also prohibit the sale and trade of porbeagle shark that is by-caught in other fisheries. This would result in economic losses for some fishers and associated industries in coastal communities and loss of industry-based sources of information on the species. If listed porbeagle shark cannot be sold, costs (net present value over a twenty-year time frame) to the fishing industry would range from $0.8 million to $1.8 million, with an additional potential loss of $0.7 million in regional spin off effects. Costs associated with population monitoring surveys may be as high as $50,000 per year in the absence of the fishery. Listing of the porbeagle under the Act would result in unreported discard mortality in fisheries where porbeagle is captured incidentally, which would further hinder scientific efforts to monitor and assess its status.


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