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  1. Use of French in Federally Regulated Private Businesses Act - S.C. 2023, c. 15, s. 54 (Section 18)


    Marginal note:Complaint to Commissioner
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       (1) An employee referred to in any of sections9 to 11 may make a complaint to the Commissioner if the employee believes that the federally regulated private business that employs them has failed to comply with any of those sections.

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      Marginal note:Complaint to Commissioner — former employees

      (1.1) A person who was an employee referred to in section 9 may make a complaint to the Commissioner if the person believes that the federally regulated private business that employed them has failed to comply with subsection 9(2) in relation to the right continued under subsection 9(1.1).

  2. Use of French in Federally Regulated Private Businesses Act - S.C. 2023, c. 15, s. 54 (Section 11)


    Marginal note:Adverse treatment
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       (1) A federally regulated private business that has workplaces in Quebec must not treat adversely an employee who occupies or is assigned to a position in one of those workplaces for any of the following reasons:

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        (g) the employee has, in good faith, communicated information to the Commissioner in relation to a complaint made under section 18 or participated in an investigation conducted as a result of such a communication; or

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      Marginal note:Definition of adverse treatment

      (8) For the purposes of this section, adverse treatment includes dismissing, laying off, demoting, transferring or suspending an employee, harassing them or taking reprisals against them or disciplining or imposing any other penalty on them.

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