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  1. Criminal Code - R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46 (Section 734)
    Marginal note:Power of court to impose fine
    •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), a court that convicts a person, other than an organization, of an offence may fine the offender by making an order under section 734.1

      • (a) if the punishment for the offence does not include a minimum term of imprisonment, in addition to or in lieu of any other sanction that the court is authorized to impose; or

      • (b) if the punishment for the offence includes a minimum term of imprisonment, in addition to any other sanction that the court is required or authorized to impose.

    • Marginal note:Offender’s ability to pay

      (2) Except when the punishment for an offence includes a minimum fine or a fine is imposed in lieu of a forfeiture order, a court may fine an offender under this section only if the court is satisfied that the offender is able to pay the fine or discharge it under section 736.

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    • (5) The term of imprisonment referred to in subsection (4) is the lesser of

      • (a) the number of days that corresponds to a fraction, rounded down to the nearest whole number, of which

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        • (ii) the denominator is equal to eight times the provincial minimum hourly wage, at the time of default, in the province in which the fine was imposed, and

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    • (8) This section and sections 734.1 to 734.8 and 736 apply to a fine imposed under any Act of Parliament, except that subsections (4) and (5) do not apply if the term of imprisonment in default of payment of the fine provided for in that Act or regulation is

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      • (b) specified, either as a minimum or a maximum.


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