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  1. Income Tax Act - R.S.C., 1985, c. 1 (5th Supp.) (Section 127)
    Marginal note:Logging tax deduction
    • [...]

    • (5) There may be deducted from the tax otherwise payable by a taxpayer under this Part for a taxation year an amount not exceeding the lesser of

      • [...]

      • (b) where Division E.1 applies to the taxpayer for the year, the amount, if any, by which


        • (ii) the taxpayer’s minimum amount for the year determined under section 127.51.

    • [...]

    • (9) In this section,

      apprenticeship expenditure

      apprenticeship expenditure  of a taxpayer for a taxation year in respect of an eligible apprentice is the lesser of

      • [...]

      • (b) 10% of the eligible salary and wages payable by the taxpayer in the taxation year to the eligible apprentice in respect of the eligible apprentice’s employment, in the taxation year and on or after May 2, 2006, by the taxpayer in a business carried on in Canada by the taxpayer in the taxation year; (dépense d’apprentissage)

      eligible salary and wages

      eligible salary and wages payable by a taxpayer to an eligible apprentice means the amount, if any, that is the salary and wages payable by the taxpayer to the eligible apprentice in respect of the first 24 months of the apprenticeship (other than a qualified expenditure incurred by the taxpayer in a taxation year, remuneration that is based on profits, bonuses, amounts described in section 6 or 7, and amounts deemed to be incurred by subsection 78(4)); (traitement et salaire admissibles)

      investment tax credit

      investment tax credit  of a taxpayer at the end of a taxation year means the amount, if any, by which the total of

      • [...]

      • (e.1) the total of all amounts each of which is the specified percentage of that part of a repayment made by the taxpayer in the year or in any of the 10 taxation years immediately preceding or the 3 taxation years immediately following the year that can reasonably be considered to be a repayment of government assistance, non-government assistance or a contract payment that reduced

        • [...]

        • (vi) the amount of eligible salary and wages payable by the taxpayer to an eligible apprentice under paragraph (11.1)(c.4), to the extent that that reduction had the effect of reducing the amount of an apprenticeship expenditure of the taxpayer, and


      qualified expenditure

      qualified expenditure  incurred by a taxpayer in a taxation year means


      • [...]

      • (f) an expenditure (other than an expenditure that is salary or wages of an employee of the taxpayer) incurred by the taxpayer in respect of scientific research and experimental development to the extent that it is performed by another person or partnership at a time when the taxpayer and the person or partnership to which the expenditure is paid or payable do not deal with each other at arm’s length,

      specified percentage

      specified percentage  means

      • [...]

      • (f.1) in respect of the repayment of government assistance, non-government assistance or a contract payment that reduced

        • [...]

        • (ii) the amount of eligible salary and wages payable (by the taxpayer) to an eligible apprentice under paragraph (11.1)(c.4), 10%,

    • [...]

    • (11.1) For the purposes of the definition investment tax credit in subsection 127(9),

      • [...]

      • (c.4) the amount of a taxpayer’s eligible salary and wages for a taxation year is deemed to be the amount of the taxpayer’s eligible salary and wages for the year otherwise determined less the amount of any government assistance or non-government assistance in respect of the eligible salary and wages for the year that, at the time of the filing of the taxpayer’s return of income for the year, the taxpayer has received, is entitled to receive or can reasonably be expected to receive; and

    • [...]

    • Marginal note:Special rule for eligible salary and wages — apprentices

      (11.4) For the purpose of the definition eligible salary and wages in subsection (9), the eligible salary and wages payable by a taxpayer in a taxation year to an eligible apprentice in respect of the eligible apprentice’s employment in the taxation year is, if the eligible apprentice is employed by any other taxpayer who is related to the taxpayer (including a partnership that has a member that is related to the taxpayer) in the calendar year that includes the end of the taxpayer’s taxation year, deemed to be nil unless the taxpayer is designated in prescribed form by all of those related taxpayers to be the only employer of the eligible apprentice for the purpose of the taxpayer applying that definition to the salary and wages payable by the taxpayer to the eligible apprentice in that taxation year, in which case

      • (a) the eligible salary and wages payable by the taxpayer in the taxation year to the eligible apprentice in respect of the eligible apprentice’s employment in the taxation year shall be the amount determined without reference to this subsection; and

      • (b) the eligible salary and wages payable to the eligible apprentice by each of the other related taxpayers in their respective taxation years that end in the calendar year is deemed to be nil.


  2. Income Tax Act - R.S.C., 1985, c. 1 (5th Supp.) (Section 248)
    Marginal note:Definitions
    •  (1) In this Act,

      deferred amount

      deferred amount  at the end of a taxation year under a salary deferral arrangement in respect of a taxpayer means

      • (a) in the case of a trust governed by the arrangement, any amount that a person has a right under the arrangement at the end of the year to receive after the end of the year where the amount has been received, is receivable or may at any time become receivable by the trust as, on account or in lieu of salary or wages of the taxpayer for services rendered in the year or a preceding taxation year, and


      retirement compensation arrangement

      retirement compensation arrangement  means a plan or arrangement under which contributions (other than payments made to acquire an interest in a life insurance policy) are made by an employer or former employer of a taxpayer, or by a person with whom the employer or former employer does not deal at arm’s length, to another person or partnership (in this definition and in Part XI.3 referred to as the “custodian”) in connection with benefits that are to be or may be received or enjoyed by any person on, after or in contemplation of any substantial change in the services rendered by the taxpayer, the retirement of the taxpayer or the loss of an office or employment of the taxpayer, but does not include

      • [...]

      • (j) a plan or arrangement established for the purpose of deferring the salary or wages of a professional athlete for his services as such with a team that participates in a league having regularly scheduled games (in this definition referred to as an “athlete’s plan”), where



      salary deferral arrangement

      salary deferral arrangement , in respect of a taxpayer, means a plan or arrangement, whether funded or not, under which any person has a right in a taxation year to receive an amount after the year where it is reasonable to consider that one of the main purposes for the creation or existence of the right is to postpone tax payable under this Act by the taxpayer in respect of an amount that is, or is on account or in lieu of, salary or wages of the taxpayer for services rendered by the taxpayer in the year or a preceding taxation year (including such a right that is subject to one or more conditions unless there is a substantial risk that any one of those conditions will not be satisfied), but does not include

      • [...]

      • (j) a plan or arrangement established for the purpose of deferring the salary or wages of a professional athlete for the services of the athlete as such with a team that participates in a league having regularly scheduled games,

      salary or wages

      salary or wages, except in sections 5 and 63 and the definition death benefit in this subsection, means the income of a taxpayer from an office or employment as computed under Subdivision A of Division B of Part I and includes all fees received for services not rendered in the course of the taxpayer’s business but does not include superannuation or pension benefits or retiring allowances; (traitement ou salaire)

      taxable preferred share

      taxable preferred share  at any particular time means

      • [...]

      • (b) a share (other than a grandfathered share) of the capital stock of a corporation issued after 8:00 p.m Eastern Daylight Saving Time, June 18, 1987 where, at that particular time by reason of the terms or conditions of the share or any agreement in respect of the share or its issue to which the corporation, or a specified person in relation to the corporation, is a party,

        • (i) it may reasonably be considered, having regard to all the circumstances, that the amount of the dividends that may be declared or paid on the share (in this definition referred to as the “dividend entitlement”) is, by way of a formula or otherwise

          • [...]

          • (C) established to be not less than a minimum (including any amount determined on a cumulative basis) and with respect to the dividend that may be declared or paid on the share there is a preference over any other dividend that may be declared or paid on any other share of the capital stock of the corporation,

        • (ii) it may reasonably be considered, having regard to all the circumstances, that the amount that the shareholder is entitled to receive in respect of the share on the dissolution, liquidation or winding-up of the corporation or on the redemption, acquisition or cancellation of the share (unless the requirement to redeem, acquire or cancel the share arises only in the event of the death of the shareholder or by reason only of a right to convert or exchange the share) or on a reduction of the paid-up capital of the share by the corporation or by a specified person in relation to the corporation (in this definition referred to as the “liquidation entitlement”) is, by way of a formula or otherwise

          • [...]

          • (C) established to be not less than a minimum,



      • (c) the dividend entitlement of a share of the capital stock of a corporation shall be deemed not to be fixed, limited to a maximum or established to be not less than a minimum where all dividends on the share are determined solely by reference to the dividend entitlement of another share of the capital stock of the corporation or of another corporation that controls the corporation that would not be a taxable preferred share if


      • (d) the liquidation entitlement of a share of the capital stock of a corporation shall be deemed not to be fixed, limited to a maximum or established to be not less than a minimum where all the liquidation entitlement is determinable solely by reference to the liquidation entitlement of another share of the capital stock of the corporation or of another corporation that controls the corporation that would not be a taxable preferred share if


      taxable RFI share

      taxable RFI share  at any particular time means a share of the capital stock of a corporation issued before 8:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time, June 18, 1987 or a grandfathered share of the capital stock of a corporation, where at the particular time under the terms or conditions of the share or any agreement in respect of the share,

      • (a) it may reasonably be considered, having regard to all the circumstances, that the amount of the dividends that may be declared or paid on the share (in this definition referred to as the “dividend entitlement”) is, by way of a formula or otherwise

        • [...]

        • (iii) established to be not less than a minimum, or

      • (b) it may reasonably be considered, having regard to all the circumstances, that the amount that the shareholder is entitled to receive in respect of the share on the dissolution, liquidation or winding-up of the corporation (in this definition referred to as the “liquidation entitlement”) is, by way of formula or otherwise

        • [...]

        • (iii) established to be not less than a minimum,


      • (c) the dividend entitlement of a share of the capital stock of a corporation shall be deemed not to be fixed, limited to a maximum or established to be not less than a minimum where all dividends on the share are determined solely by reference to the dividend entitlement of another share of the capital stock of the corporation or of another corporation that controls the corporation that would not be a taxable preferred share if


      • (d) the liquidation entitlement of a share of the capital stock of a corporation shall be deemed not to be fixed, limited to a maximum or established to be not less than a minimum where all the liquidation entitlement is determinable solely by reference to the liquidation entitlement of another share of the capital stock of the corporation or of another corporation that controls the corporation that would not be a taxable preferred share if



  3. Income Tax Act - R.S.C., 1985, c. 1 (5th Supp.) (Section 241)
    Marginal note:Provision of information


  4. Income Tax Act - R.S.C., 1985, c. 1 (5th Supp.) (Section 125.6)
    Marginal note:Definitions
    •  (1) The following definitions apply in this section.

      eligible newsroom employee

      eligible newsroom employee , in respect of a qualifying journalism organization in a taxation year, means an individual who

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      • (b) works, on average, a minimum of 26 hours per week throughout the portion of the taxation year in which the individual is employed by the organization;

      • (c) at any time in the taxation year, has been, or is reasonably expected to be, employed by the organization for a minimum period of 40 consecutive weeks that includes that time;

      qualifying labour expenditure

      qualifying labour expenditure , of a taxpayer for a taxation year in respect of an eligible newsroom employee, means the lesser of

      • [...]

      • (b) the amount determined by the formula

        A − B


        is the salary or wages payable by the taxpayer to the eligible newsroom employee in respect of the portion of the taxation year throughout which the taxpayer is a qualifying journalism organization, and



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