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  1. Canada Labour Code - R.S.C., 1985, c. L-2 (Section 178)
    Marginal note:Minimum wage
    •  (1) Subject to subsections (2) to (5), an employer shall pay to each employee a wage at a minimum hourly rate that is not less than the rate that is determined in accordance with section 178.1.

    • Marginal note:Province of employment

      (2) If the minimum hourly rate that is fixed, from time to time, by or under an Act of the legislature of the province where the employee is usually employed and that is generally applicable regardless of occupation, status or work experience is higher than the minimum hourly rate fixed under subsection (1), an employer shall pay to each employee a wage at a rate that is

      • (a) if the wages of the employee are paid on an hourly basis, not less than that higher minimum hourly rate; or

      • (b) if the wages of the employee are paid on any basis of time other than hourly, not less than the equivalent of the rate under paragraph (a) for the time worked by the employee.

    • Marginal note:Wage rate based on age

      (3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(a), if minimum hourly rates for a province are fixed on the basis of age, the minimum hourly rate for that province is the highest of those rates.

    • Marginal note:Minimum on other basis than time

      (4) Where the wages of an employee are computed and paid on a basis other than time or on a combined basis of time and some other basis, the Minister may, by order,

      • (a) fix a standard basis of work to which a minimum wage on a basis other than time may be applied; and

      • (b) fix a minimum rate of wage that in the opinion of the Minister is the equivalent of

        • (i) the minimum rate determined in accordance with subsection (2), if that minimum rate is higher than or equal to the minimum rate determined in accordance with section 178.1, or

        • (ii) the minimum rate determined in accordance with section 178.1, if that minimum rate is higher than the minimum rate determined in accordance with subsection (2).

    • Marginal note:Minimum rate fixed by order to be paid

      (5) Except as otherwise provided by or under this Division, the employer shall pay to each employee who is paid on a basis other than time or on a combined basis of time and some other basis a wage at a rate not less than the minimum rate fixed by order under subsection (4).


  2. Canada Labour Code - R.S.C., 1985, c. L-2 (Section 178.1)
    Marginal note:Minimum wage — rate
    •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), the minimum hourly rate referred to in subsection 178(1) is $15.

    • Marginal note:Annual adjustment

      (2) On April 1 of each year after the year in which this section comes into force, the minimum hourly rate is to be adjusted to the rate, rounded up to the nearest $0.05, that is equal to the product of


    • [...]

    • Marginal note:No adjustment

      (4) Despite subsection (2), the minimum hourly rate is not to be adjusted on April 1 of a given year if on that day the rate determined in accordance with that subsection is less than, as the case may be,



  3. Canada Labour Code - R.S.C., 1985, c. L-2

    DIVISION IIMinimum Wage and Age of Employment

  4. Canada Labour Code - R.S.C., 1985, c. L-2 (Section 235)
    Marginal note:Minimum rate
    •  (1) An employer who terminates the employment of an employee who has completed twelve consecutive months of continuous employment by the employer shall, except where the termination is by way of dismissal for just cause, pay to the employee the greater of

      • (a) two days wages at the employee’s regular rate of wages for his regular hours of work in respect of each completed year of employment that is within the term of the employee’s continuous employment by the employer, and

      • (b) five days wages at the employee’s regular rate of wages for his regular hours of work.


  5. Canada Labour Code - R.S.C., 1985, c. L-2 (Section 181)

     The Governor in Council may make regulations for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Division and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, may make regulations

    • (a) requiring employers to pay employees who report for work at the call of the employer wages for such minimum number of hours as may be prescribed, whether or not the employee is called on to perform any work after so reporting for work;

    • (b) fixing the maximum price to be charged for board, whether full or partial, furnished by or on behalf of an employer to an employee, or the maximum deduction to be made therefor from the wages of the employee by the employer;

    • (c) fixing the maximum price to be charged for living quarters, either permanent or temporary, furnished by or on behalf of an employer to an employee, whether or not those quarters are self-contained and whether or not the employer retains general possession and custody thereof, or the maximum deduction to be made therefor from the wages of the employee by the employer;


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