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  1. Indian Act - R.S.C., 1985, c. I-5 (Section 27)
    Marginal note:Cancellation of Certificates or Location Tickets

     The Minister may, with the consent of the holder thereof, cancel any Certificate of Possession or Occupation or Location Ticket referred to in section 26, and may cancel any Certificate of Possession or Occupation or Location Ticket that in his opinion was issued through fraud or in error.


  2. Indian Act - R.S.C., 1985, c. I-5 (Section 17)
    Marginal note:Minister may constitute new bands
    • [...]

    • Marginal note:No protest

      (3) No protest may be made under section 14.2 in respect of the deletion from or the addition to a Band List consequent on the exercise by the Minister of any of the Minister’s powers under subsection (1).


  3. Indian Act - R.S.C., 1985, c. I-5

    Application of Act

  4. Indian Act - R.S.C., 1985, c. I-5 (Section 108)
    Marginal note:Commissioners for taking oaths

     For the purposes of this Act or any matter relating to Indian affairs


  5. Indian Act - R.S.C., 1985, c. I-5 (Section 106)
    Marginal note:Jurisdiction of provincial court judges

     A provincial court judge has, with respect to matters arising under this Act, jurisdiction over the whole county, union of counties or judicial district in which the city, town or other place for which he is appointed or in which he has jurisdiction under provincial laws is situated.


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