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  1. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 142)
    Marginal note:Compliance with steps for discontinuance
    • [...]

    • Marginal note:Exception

      (2.1) Subsection (2) does not apply to a railway company that is the subject of proceedings under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act or the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.

    • Marginal note:Community-based groups

      (3) Subsection (2) does not apply and a railway company shall without delay take the steps described in section 143 if



  2. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 129)
    Marginal note:Long-haul interswitching order
    • [...]

    • (3) A shipper is not entitled to apply to the Agency for a long-haul interswitching order

      • [...]

      • (d) for the movement of vehicles, as defined in section 2 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, or of parts of those vehicles;

      • [...]

      • (j) if an order or consent agreement made under Part VIII of the Competition Act, which followed an application made by the Commissioner of Competition, addresses the rate for the traffic to be moved; or


  3. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 51.11)
    Marginal note:Confidential information — other persons
    •  (1) Information that is required to be provided under subsection 50(1.001) to persons referred to in subsection 50(1.1) who are subject to the legislative authority of Parliament or any users, other than passengers, of the national transportation system is, when it is received by those persons, confidential and must not knowingly be disclosed or made available by any person without the authorization of the person who provided the information, except for the purposes of a prosecution of a contravention of section 173.

    • Marginal note:Safe and secure procedures

      (2) The persons referred to in subsection 50(1.1) who are subject to the legislative authority of Parliament and any users, other than passengers, of the national transportation system must ensure that the procedures and physical measures taken to ensure the confidentiality of information provided to them under this Act, including the keeping of electronic data, are safe and secure.


  4. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (SCHEDULE IV)


    Minimum Liability Insurance Coverage

    Column I Column II
    Item Class of Railway Operations Minimum Liability Insurance Coverage
    2 Operation of a railway that includes the carriage, per calendar year, of less than 4 000 tonnes of TIH (Toxic Inhalation Hazard) materials, of less than 100 000 tonnes of crude oil or of at least 40 000 tonnes of other dangerous goods as defined in section 2 of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992 $100 million per occurrence


  5. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 95.2)
    Marginal note:Guidelines
    •  (1) The Agency shall issue, and publish in any manner that it considers appropriate, guidelines with respect to

      • (a) the elements that the Agency will use to determine whether a railway company is complying with section 95.1; and

    • [...]

    • Marginal note:Not statutory instruments

      (3) The guidelines are not statutory instruments within the meaning of the Statutory Instruments Act.


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