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  1. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 159)
    Marginal note:Application of sections 161 to 169
    •  (1) Sections 161 to 169 apply only in respect of matters arising between shippers and carriers that involve

      • [...]

      • (b) the carriage of goods by railways to which this Act applies, other than the carriage of goods in trailers or containers on flat cars unless the containers arrive by water at a port in Canada, served by only one railway company, for further movement by rail or arrive by rail at such a port in Canada for further movement by water; or

  2. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 6.5)

     The Governor in Council may make regulations

    • (a) respecting the application of sections 6.2 and 6.4, including the technology or format to be used, or the standards, specifications or processes to be followed, including for the making or verifying of an electronic signature and the manner in which it is to be used;

    • (b) setting out the circumstances in which a person who must provide a signature or information under an Act that the Minister administers or enforces is required to do so using electronic means and specifying those means;


  3. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 186)

    Definition of National Transportation Agency

     For the purposes of sections 187 to 199, National Transportation Agency means the National Transportation Agency established by the National Transportation Act, 1987.

  4. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 176.1)

    Definition of Tribunal

     For the purposes of sections 180.1 to 180.7, Tribunal means the Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada established by subsection 2(1) of the Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada Act.


  5. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 54)
    Marginal note:Appointment of receiver not to bar jurisdiction
    •  (1) The fact that a receiver, manager or other official of a carrier, or a receiver of the property of a carrier, has been appointed by a court in Canada, or is managing or operating a mode of transportation under the authority of any such court, is not a bar to the exercise of any jurisdiction granted under this Act, but every such receiver, manager or official is bound to manage and operate the mode of transportation in accordance with this Act and with the orders, regulations and directions made or issued under this Act, notwithstanding the fact that the receiver, manager, official or person has been appointed by or acts under the authority of a court.

    • Marginal note:Adaptation orders

      (2) Wherever by reason of insolvency, sale under mortgage or any other cause, a transportation undertaking or a portion of a transportation undertaking is operated, managed or held otherwise than by the carrier, the Agency or the Minister may make any order it considers proper for adapting and applying the provisions of this Act.

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