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  1. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 76)
    Marginal note:Minister may issue directions
    •  (1) Where the Minister determines that it is necessary or advisable to provide direction to the Agency in respect of the exercise of any of its powers or the performance of any of its duties or functions under this Part relating to international service,

      • [...]

      • (d) for the purpose of enforcing Canada’s rights under an international agreement, convention or arrangement respecting civil aviation or responding to acts, policies or practices by a contracting party to any such agreement, convention or arrangement, or by an agency or citizen of such a party, that adversely affect or lead either directly or indirectly to adverse effects on Canadian international civil aviation services, or


    • (2) Directions issued under subsection (1) may relate to

      • [...]

      • (d) any other matter concerning international service that is not governed by or under the Aeronautics Act.

  2. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 155.7)
    Marginal note:Obligation to pay
    •  (1) Every railway company that is the first to carry, at a rate other than an interswitching rate, traffic in respect of which there is a levy under section 155.3 or 155.5 after the traffic has been loaded — and every railway company that is directed by an order made under section 155.6 to pay a levy — shall pay to the Receiver General an amount equal to the amount of the levy, applicable to the traffic carried by it, or that is required to be paid under the order, as the case may be,


    • Marginal note:When levy is due — sections 155.3 and 155.5

      (2) A levy under section 155.3 or 155.5 becomes due on the first day on which the traffic is carried, at a rate other than an interswitching rate, by the railway company that is the first to carry the traffic after it has been loaded.

    • Marginal note:When levy is due — section 155.6

      (3) A levy imposed by an order made under section 155.6 becomes due on the day provided for in the order.

    • Marginal note:Meaning of calendar quarter

      (4) In this section, calendar quarter means a three-month period that begins on the first day of January, April, July or October.


  3. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 4)
    Marginal note:Conflicts
    •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), where there is a conflict between any order or regulation made under this Act in respect of a particular mode of transportation and any rule, order or regulation made under any other Act of Parliament in respect of that particular mode of transportation, the order or regulation made under this Act prevails.

    • Marginal note:Competition Act

      (2) Subject to subsection (3), nothing in or done under the authority of this Act, other than Division IV of Part III, affects the operation of the Competition Act.

    • Marginal note:International agreements respecting air services

      (3) In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between an international agreement or convention respecting air services to which Canada is a party and the Competition Act, the provisions of the agreement or convention prevail to the extent of the inconsistency or conflict.


  4. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 53.83)
    Marginal note:Offence — section 53.72 or 53.78
    •  (1) Every person who contravenes section 53.72 or 53.78 is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years or to a fine of not more than $10,000,000, or to both.

    • Marginal note:Continuing offence

      (2) If an offence under subsection (1) for the contravention of section 53.78 is committed or continued on more than one day, the person who commits it is liable to be convicted for a separate offence for each day on which it is committed or continued.

    • [...]

    • Marginal note:Sections 174 and 175 do not apply

      (4) Sections 174 and 175 do not apply in respect of an offence committed under subsection (1).


  5. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 155.97)

     The Governor in Council may make regulations

    • (a) designating goods or classes of goods for the purpose of the definition designated good in section 152.5;

    • (b) setting out defences for the purpose of section 153.1;

    • (c) respecting traffic or any class of traffic for the purposes of section 155.5 and a levy for the carriage of that traffic or class of traffic, or a manner of calculating the levy;

    • [...]

    • (e) respecting the keeping, by railway companies, of information in relation to their carriage of any traffic in respect of which there is a levy under section 155.3 or 155.5, or a levy imposed by an order made under section 155.6, and the filing of that information with the Minister;


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