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  1. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 153.4)
    Marginal note:Fund established
    • [...]

    • (2) The following are to be credited to the Fund:

      • (a) every amount credited to the Fund under section 153.5;

      • (b) the amount of every sum credited to the Fund under section 153.6;

      • [...]

      • (d) every amount paid under sections 155.7 and 155.8.

    • (3) The following are to be charged to the Fund:

      • (a) an amount equal to every amount required to repay, in accordance with any terms and conditions specified by the Minister of Finance, an amount charged to the Consolidated Revenue Fund under section 153.6;

      • [...]

      • (d) the amount of any judgment and any costs awarded as the result of an appeal made under subsection 154.9(2) or section 155.1.


  2. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 141)
    Marginal note:Three-year plan
    • [...]

    • (2.2) The railway company shall, within 60 days after indicating in the plan its intention to discontinue operating a railway line, provide to the Minister

      • (a) an assessment of whether or not section 96 applies to the land on which the railway line is located; and

      • (b) a legal description of any land to which the assessment indicates section 96 applies and, in the form specified by the Minister, geographical information that would allow for mapping of the land.

    • Marginal note:Discontinuance already indicated in plan

      (2.3) If a railway company has, on the day on which subsection (2.2) comes into force, a plan indicating its intention to discontinue operating a railway line, but the company has not yet made an advertisement under section 143 in respect of that line, it shall provide to the Minister the information referred to in that subsection before making the advertisement.

    • Marginal note:When sale, etc., permitted

      (3) Subject to section 144.1, a railway company may sell, lease or otherwise transfer its railway lines, or its operating interest in its lines, for continued operation.

    • Marginal note:Declaration

      (3.1) The railway company shall provide a written declaration to the person to whom the railway line or the operating interest is being sold, leased or otherwise transferred, stating that the sale, lease or transfer is in compliance with section 96. It shall also send a copy of the declaration to the Minister.


  3. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 162)
    Marginal note:Arbitration
    •  (1) Notwithstanding any application filed with the Agency by a carrier in respect of a matter, within five days after final offers are received under subsection 161.1(1), the Agency shall refer the matter for arbitration

      • (a) if the parties did not agree that the arbitration should be conducted by a panel of three arbitrators, to the arbitrator, if any, named under paragraph 161(2)(e) or, if that arbitrator is not, in the opinion of the Agency, available to conduct the arbitration or no arbitrator is named, to an arbitrator on the list of arbitrators referred to in section 169 who the Agency chooses and determines is appropriate and available to conduct the arbitration; and

      • (b) if the parties agreed that the arbitration should be conducted by a panel of three arbitrators,

        • (i) to the arbitrators named by the parties under paragraph 161(2)(e) and to any arbitrator who those arbitrators have, within 10 days after the submission was served under subsection 161(2), notified the Agency that they have agreed on, or if those arbitrators did not so notify the Agency, to an arbitrator on the list of arbitrators referred to in section 169 who the Agency chooses and determines is appropriate and available to conduct the arbitration, or

        • (ii) if an arbitrator referred to in subparagraph (i) is not, in the opinion of the Agency, available to conduct the arbitration, to the arbitrators named in that subparagraph who are available and to an arbitrator chosen by the Agency from the list of arbitrators referred to in section 169 who the Agency determines is appropriate and available to conduct the arbitration.

    • Marginal note:Interpretation

      (1.1) If a matter was referred to a panel of arbitrators, every reference in subsections (1.2) and (2) and sections 163 to 169 to an arbitrator or the arbitrator shall be construed as a reference to a panel of arbitrators or the panel of arbitrators, as the case may be.


  4. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 155.6)
    Marginal note:Additional levy
    •  (1) If an amount is charged to the Consolidated Revenue Fund under section 153.6, the Minister may, by order, direct that every railway company that, on a railway, carries traffic for which there is a levy under section 155.3 or 155.5 pay, in accordance with the order, an additional levy in the amount specified in the order, or calculated in accordance with it.

    • Marginal note:Revocation

      (2) If such an order is made, the Minister shall revoke it as soon as feasible after an amount equal to the amount charged to the Consolidated Revenue Fund under section 153.6 has been credited to the Consolidated Revenue Fund out of amounts standing to the credit of the Fund and the Minister is satisfied that the terms and conditions in relation to the charging of that amount under that section have been met.


  5. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 150)
    Marginal note:Ceiling
    • [...]

    • Marginal note:Items not included in revenue

      (3) For the purposes of this section, a prescribed railway company’s revenue for the movement of grain in a crop year shall not include

      • [...]

      • (d) any amount that is earned by the company at the interswitching rate determined in accordance with section 127.1; or

    • Marginal note:Impermissible reductions

      (4) For the purposes of this section, a prescribed railway company’s revenue for the movement of grain in a crop year shall not be reduced by amounts paid or allowed as dispatch by the company for loading or unloading grain before the expiry of the period agreed on for loading or unloading the grain.

    • Marginal note:Reductions from revenue

      (5) For the purposes of this section, if the Agency determines that it was reasonable for a prescribed railway company to make a contribution for the development of grain-related facilities to a grain handling undertaking that is not owned by the company, the company’s revenue for the movement of grain in a crop year shall be reduced by any amount that the Agency determines constitutes the amortized amount of the contribution by the company in the crop year.


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