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  1. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 53.81)
    Marginal note:Extension of time

     The Minister may, at the request of the parties or on the Minister’s own initiative, extend any period specified in section 53.71, 53.73 or 53.77 if the Minister considers it appropriate in the circumstances, including when the arrangement is exceptionally complex.


  2. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 53.8)
    Marginal note:Withdrawing notice
    • [...]

    • Marginal note:Effect of withdrawal

      (3) If a notice given under subsection 53.71(1) is withdrawn or is deemed to have been withdrawn, section 53.72 no longer applies to the proposed arrangement.


  3. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 53.78)
    Marginal note:Obligation to comply with terms and conditions

     Every person who is subject to terms and conditions under subsection 53.73(8), section 53.75, paragraph 53.76(a) or subsection 53.77(3) shall comply with them.


  4. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 53.73)
    Marginal note:Review process
    • [...]

    • Marginal note:Summary

      (3) Unless a notice is withdrawn or is deemed to have been withdrawn under section 53.8, the Commissioner shall make public a summary of the conclusions of the report that does not include any confidential information.


  5. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 194)
    Marginal note:Members cease to hold office

     Except as provided for in subsection 195(4), all persons who hold office as a member of the National Transportation Agency immediately before the coming into force of this section cease to hold office on that day.

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