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  1. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 85.03)
    Marginal note:Non-application of certain provisions

     Sections 17, 25 and 36.1 do not apply in respect of any matter that may be dealt with under sections 85.04 to 85.12.


  2. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 53.84)
    Marginal note:Cost recovery
    •  (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations respecting

      • (a) the fees to be paid by the parties to an arrangement for any activities undertaken by the Minister under sections 53.71 to 53.76 that are related to the arrangement, including the method of calculating the fees; and

    • Marginal note:Amounts not to exceed cost

      (2) The fees referred to in paragraph (1)(a) shall not exceed the costs related to the activities undertaken by the Minister under sections 53.71 to 53.76 that are related to the arrangement.


  3. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 136.8)
    Marginal note:Suspension of operation

     If the Governor in Council is of the opinion that the financial viability of a railway company is seriously affected by the operation of sections 129 to 136.7, the Governor in Council may, by order, suspend the operation of those sections during the period specified in the order.


  4. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 105.1)

     The Governor in Council may make regulations respecting

    • (a) the depositing of copies of documents under sections 104 and 105;

    • (b) the form and content of summaries to be deposited under those sections; and


  5. Canada Transportation Act - S.C. 1996, c. 10 (Section 68)
    Marginal note:Non-application of fares, etc.
    •  (1) Sections 66 to 67.2, 85.04 and 85.07 do not apply in respect of fares, rates or charges applicable to a domestic service provided for under a contract between a holder of a domestic licence and another person whereby the parties to the contract agree to keep its provisions confidential.

    • Marginal note:Non-application of terms and conditions

      (1.1) Sections 66 to 67.2, 85.04 and 85.07 do not apply in respect of terms and conditions of carriage applicable to a domestic service provided for under a contract referred to in subsection (1) to which an employer is a party and that relates to travel by its employees.


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