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  1. Remote Sensing Space Systems Act - S.C. 2005, c. 45 (Section 4)
    Marginal note:Binding on Crown
    •  (1) This Act binds Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province.

    • Marginal note:Order modifying application of Act to certain systems

      (2) The Governor in Council may make an order with respect to a remote sensing space system operated by the Department of National Defence or the Canadian Space Agency providing that this Act and the regulations apply to that system only in the manner and to the extent provided for in the order. The order may adapt any of the provisions of this Act or the regulations for the purposes of that application.

    • Marginal note:Exemption by order

      (3) The Minister may, by order, exempt any person or remote sensing space system — or any class of person, system or data — from the application of any provisions of this Act or the regulations. The exemption order may be limited in scope or made subject to conditions. It may be made only if the Minister is satisfied that


  2. Remote Sensing Space Systems Act - S.C. 2005, c. 45 (Section 8)
    Marginal note:Issuance, amendment or renewal of licences
    • [...]

    • (4) Every licence is subject to the conditions referred to in subsections (5) to (7), any prescribed conditions and the following conditions:

      • [...]

      • (d) that the licensee keep control of raw data and remote sensing products from the system until they are disposed of in accordance with this Act;

    • [...]

    • Marginal note:Non-application of Statutory Instruments Act

      (10) The Statutory Instruments Act does not apply to a licence.

  3. Remote Sensing Space Systems Act - S.C. 2005, c. 45 (Section 45.1)
    Marginal note:Independent review
    •  (1) The Minister shall cause an independent review of the provisions and operation of this Act to be conducted from time to time in order to assess, in particular, its impact on technological development and on the implementation of international agreements and treaties.

    • Marginal note:Report by Minister

      (2) The Minister shall cause the report on a review conducted under subsection (1) to be laid before each House of Parliament within five years after the coming into force of this Act, and within every five-year period after the tabling of a report under this subsection.

  4. Remote Sensing Space Systems Act - S.C. 2005, c. 45 (Section 19)
    Marginal note:Notice for disclosure of information
    •  (1) The Minister may send a notice to any person who the Minister believes on reasonable grounds has any information or document relevant to the administration or enforcement of this Act, requesting the person to provide that information or document, within any reasonable period that the Minister specifies, to the Minister or any person whom the Minister designates.

    • [...]

    • Marginal note:Order

      (4) On hearing the application, the judge may order the person to provide the information or documents if the judge concludes that providing them is necessary for any purpose relating to the administration or enforcement of this Act and that the public interest in having the information or documents provided outweighs in importance any other interest, including privacy interest, of the person.

  5. Remote Sensing Space Systems Act - S.C. 2005, c. 45 (Section 1)
    Marginal note:Short title

     This Act may be cited as the Remote Sensing Space Systems Act.

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