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  1. Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012 - SOR/2011-318 (Section 681)
    Marginal note:Canadian criminal record check

     A person referred to in section 678 must, at least once every five years, conduct a Canadian criminal record check on any of its authorized cargo representatives that do not have a security clearance.


  2. Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012 - SOR/2011-318 (Section 680)
    Marginal note:Authorized cargo representative
    •  (1) A person referred to in section 678 must not designate an individual as one of the person’s authorized cargo representatives unless the individual



  3. Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012 - SOR/2011-318 (Section 673)
    Marginal note:Inaccurate information

     A person who provides any of the information required under section 672 must ensure that the information is accurate and complete.


  4. Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012 - SOR/2011-318 (Section 543)
    Marginal note:Notification of Minister
    •  (1) An air carrier must immediately notify the Minister when any of the following incidents occur:

      • [...]

      • (b) the discovery, on board an aircraft, of a weapon, other than an unloaded firearm that the air carrier authorized under section 531 or subsection 533(1);

  5. Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012 - SOR/2011-318 (Section 534)

    Definition of organization responsible for the person in custody

    •  (1) In this section, organization responsible for the person in custody does not include a person or an organization that provides escort officer services under a contract for remuneration.

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