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  1. Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act - S.C. 1999, c. 34 (Section 52)
    Marginal note:Insolvency and winding-up

     No Act relating to the insolvency or winding-up of any corporation applies to the Board and in no case shall the affairs of the Board be wound up unless Parliament so provides.

  2. Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act - S.C. 1999, c. 34 (Section 51)
    Marginal note:False statements
    •  (1) Every director, officer, employee, agent, mandatary or auditor of the Board or of any of its subsidiaries who, in carrying out a duty under this Act or the by-laws, prepares, signs, approves or concurs in any statement, report or other document respecting the affairs of the Board or the subsidiary that contains any false or deceptive information is guilty of an offence.

  3. Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act - S.C. 1999, c. 34 (Section 33)
    Marginal note:Duty of investment managers

     Every investment manager who invests the assets of the Board shall do so in accordance with this Act and the Board’s investment policies, standards and procedures.

  4. Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act - S.C. 1999, c. 34 (Section 31)

     The investment committee shall

    • [...]

    • (d) require management to implement and maintain appropriate procedures to

      • [...]

      • (ii) ensure that the Board’s agents and mandataries comply with this Act and the Board’s investment policies, standards and procedures; and

  5. Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act - S.C. 1999, c. 34 (Section 24)
    Marginal note:By-laws
    •  (1) The board of directors may make by-laws that are consistent with this Act to govern the conduct and management of the Board’s business and affairs, including by-laws


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