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  1. Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations - C.R.C., c. 554 (Section 2)

     In these Regulations,


    Act means the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act; (Loi)


    annuity means an annuity immediate or deferred, or annual allowance, computed in accordance with the Public Service Superannuation Act; (rente viagère)

    former Act

    former Act means the Defence Services Pension Act; (ancienne loi)

    Parts I to IV

    Parts I to IV means the respective parts of the Act; (parties I à IV)


    pension means a pension granted, pursuant to any of Parts I to III of the Act, to a person in respect of his service; (pension)

    public service

    public service means all branches or portions of the public service of Canada to which the Public Service Superannuation Act is applicable. (fonction publique)

  2. Defence Services Pension Continuation Act - R.S.C. 1970, c. D-3 (Section 5)
    Marginal note:Time served in public service
    •  (1) Time served in the public service of Canada, that, under Part I of the Civil Service Superannuation Act, would be reckoned in computing the period of service for the purpose of a superannuation allowance under that Act, or time served in the public service of Canada that was of such a nature as could be reckoned in computing the period of service for purposes of a superannuation allowance under that Act had the officer remained in the public service and had elected to become a contributor under any Part of that Act, may be included in the term of service of an officer for the purposes of this Act.

    • Marginal note:Deduction reduced

      (2) In such case, the yearly deduction of five per cent upon average pay under this Act from any pension shall be reduced by the average yearly deduction from the officer’s salary as an officer, clerk or employee in the Civil Service made under and for the purposes of the Civil Service Superannuation Act, or any amendment thereof, or under Part I of the Civil Service Superannuation and Retirement Act.


  3. Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act - S.C. 1999, c. 34 (Section 18)
    Marginal note:Directors’ and officers’ insurance
    •  (1) The Board may purchase and maintain insurance for the benefit of a director or officer of the Board, a former director or officer of the Board, or any person who acts or acted at the Board’s request as a director or officer of an entity of which the Board is or was a shareholder or in which the Board has or had a financial interest — and the personal representatives of that person — against any liability incurred by the person in that capacity unless the liability relates to a failure to act honestly and in good faith.

    • Marginal note:If no insurance

      (2) If the Board does not purchase and maintain insurance under subsection (1), the Board shall indemnify each person referred to in that subsection, out of the funds, against any liability incurred by the person in that capacity, so long as the person acted honestly and in good faith.

  4. Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act - S.C. 1999, c. 34 (Section 229)
    Marginal note:Transitional — application of certain provisions
    •  (1) Subsections 64(5) and (6) and 65(4), section 75, subsection 76(3), sections 82, 133, 135, 136, 139, 141, 180, 181, 183 and 185, subsection 186(3) and section 188 apply only with respect to contributors who die on or after the day on which this subsection comes into force.

    • Marginal note:Transitional — application of certain provisions

      (2) Sections 208, 209, 214, 215, 218, 219, 222 and 223 apply only with respect to officers and former officers who die on or after the day on which this subsection comes into force.

    • Marginal note:Transitional — application of certain provisions

      (3) Sections 225 and 226 apply only with respect to members and former members who die on or after the day on which this subsection comes into force.

  5. Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act - S.C. 1999, c. 34 (Section 50)

     The Governor in Council may make regulations

    • (a) respecting the application to the Board and its subsidiaries of provisions of the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 and regulations made under that Act;

    • (b) adapting provisions of the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 and regulations made under that Act in the manner that the Governor in Council considers appropriate for the purpose of applying them to the Board and its subsidiaries;

    • [...]

    • (d) prescribing anything that this Act provides may be prescribed or may be determined by regulation.

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