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  1. United States Surtax Remission Order - SOR/2018-205 (SCHEDULE 1)


    Column 1
    Item Description of Goods
    56 Pipe and tube, drawn over mandrel (DOM) of specification SP-TU-001
    57 Pipe and tube, drawn over mandrel (DOM) of specification ASTM A513 Type 5
    71 Pipe and tube, electric resistance welded (ERW) drawn over mandrel (DOM) of any specification
    157 Tube, drawn over mandrel (DOM), of square or rectangular cross-section, of grade C1010 or C1026
    160 Geodesic dome for storage tanks, of aluminum, of a diameter from 20 feet to 125 feet
    238 Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipeline, drawn over mandrel (DOM), of grade 1026, of an outside diameter of 3 inches, of an inside diameter of 1.75 inches or 2.375 inches
    265 Wire of iron or non-alloy steel, of specification ASTM A475, electro galvanized, class C coating, of a thickness from 0.05 inch to 0.25 inch inclusive
    282 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of stainless steel, of circular cross-section, of specification ASTM A-500 Grade C
    338 Pipe, of carbon steel Grade B Type E, with a polymer lining of PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene), PVDF (Polyvinylidene), PP (Polypropylene) or PFA (Perfluoroalkoxy), of a diameter of 1 inch to 12 inches inclusive


  2. Income Tax Regulations - C.R.C., c. 945 (SCHEDULE VII)


    Publicly-Traded Shares or Securities

    Column I Column II


    4¾ pc cu C pr.



    5 1/4 pc cu C 1st pr.



    C pr.



    4 3/4 pc C pr.


    C & C Yachts Ltd.



    Dome Mines Ltd.



    Dome Petroleum Ltd.




    E wt.



    C wt.



    Cl C.

    New Digby Dome Mines Ltd.




    5 1/2 pc cu C 1st pr.



    C cu cv pr.

    Shaw Limited, L. E.




    Cl C.



    6 pc cu C Ist pr.


    W. C. P. Explorations Ltd.



    W. C. P. Explorations Ltd.




  3. Canada National Parks Act - S.C. 2000, c. 32 (SCHEDULE 1 : National Parks of Canada)



    Thence continuing southwesterly and northwesterly along the last aforesaid height of land to the Snow Dome being a point on the Interprovincial Boundary between Alberta and British Columbia;


    Commencing at the Snow Dome, being a point at the intersection of the Interprovincial Boundary between Alberta and British Columbia and the height of land between the watershed areas of the North Saskatchewan and Athabasca Rivers, in latitude 52°11′ and longitude 117°19′;


    • [...]

    • (5) in Township 19, Range 18:

      • [...]

      • (c) all that portion of the original Dominion Government Road Allowance adjoining the north boundary of Section 19, described as follows: commencing at a point on the north boundary of Section 19, a distance of 34 feet (10.36 metres) easterly from the northwest corner of Section 19; thence easterly along said north boundary 400 feet (121.92 metres); thence northerly at right angles with said north boundary 66 feet (20.12 metres) to the northerly limit of said original Dominion Government Road Allowance; thence westerly along the northerly limit of said road allowance 382 feet (116.43 metres); thence southwesterly in a straight line to the point of commencement;

      • [...]

      • (e) all that portion of the original Dominion Government Road Allowance between sections 31 and 32, lying south of the southerly shoreline of Clear Lake;



    All that parcel of land shown as Parcel A on a plan filed in the office of the Director of Surveys at Winnipeg as Plan No. 19701, including the foreshore along the North East Coast of Manitoba, the lakes, the rivers, the islands, the streams, all mines and minerals, and all other estates, rights and interests normally reserved to the Crown (Manitoba) under The Crown Lands Act (Manitoba), C.C.S.M., c. C340 and, all theoretical Government Road Allowances that lie within the boundaries more particularly described as follows:


    That part of Hay (Melville) Island on Registered Plan 313, described in a deed between C. Carpenter and Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, registered in the Registry Office at Brockville as 82282 on August 16, 1976; said part containing about 24.42 hectares.


    The whole of Parcel C as shown on Plan 43518 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is deposited in the Registry Office at Brockville as 3380; said parcel containing about 33.82 hectares.


    Lots E, F and M, Bone Island (No. 75) according to plan 50222 in said Records, a copy of which is deposited in said Office under number 28622;

    Lot E, containing about 12.34 hectares


    • (c) Island opposite Freeman Township, now Township of Georgian Bay, in the District Municipality of Muskoka.


    • (e) Islands opposite St. Edmunds Township, north of Saugeen Peninsula in the County of Bruce;


    Thence continuing along the said rectilinear boundaries, being, in part, the westerly boundary of Lot A and the southerly boundary of Lot C, as said lots and rectilinear boundaries are shown on said plan 51557 to the point of commencement;


    All that parcel being more particularly described as follows; all topographic features hereinafter referred to being according to the First Edition of the Cape M’Clure map sheet, and the Second Edition of the Mercy Bay, White Sand Creek, Deans Dundas Bay, Jesse Harbour and Bernard River map sheets, 98E, 88F, 88C, 88B, 98A and 98D and C of the National Topographic System, produced at a scale of 1:250,000 by the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources at Ottawa (map sheets 98E, 88B and 88C being produced by the Army Survey Establishment, R.C.E.). All co-ordinates are derived from the above mentioned map sheet series being referred to the North American Datum of 1927.


    Commencing at a point being the intersection of the shoreline of Amundsen Gulf and the mouth of the Outwash River at approximate latitude 69°33′ north and approximate longitude 120°40′51″ west, the said point being a corner of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region as described in Annex A-1 of the Agreement referred to in the Western Arctic (Inuvialuit) Claims Settlement Act (S.C. 1984, c. 24);


    All topographic features being according to the Gazetteer of Canada (Northwest Territories) First Edition, Ottawa 1980 and to National Topographic Series Maps, (120 C&D Lady Franklin Bay), (120 E Robeson Channel), (120 F&G Clements Markham Inlet), (340 E&H M’Clintock Inlet) and (340 D Tanquary Fiord) produced at a scale of 1:250,000 by the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources at Ottawa;


    2000, c. 32, Sch. 1; 2001, c. 34, s. 25(F); 2002, c. 7, s. 106; SOR/2003-345; 2004, c. 20, s. 1; SOR/2004-300; 2008, c. 2, s. 13; 2013, c. 2, s. 1; SOR/2013-16; SOR/2014-187; 2015, c. 3, ss. 20, 22, c. 40, s. 2; 2017, c. 10, ss. 5, 6(F), c. 26, ss. 34(F), 35, 36 to 38(F); SOR/2022-244, s. 1.

  4. Canada–Nova Scotia Offshore Area Petroleum Operations Framework Regulations - SOR/2024-26 (Section 11)


    Marginal note:Contingency plan
    • [...]

    • [...]

      (2) The contingency plan must include the following documents and information:

      • [...]

      • [...]

        (c) a description of the procedures for accessing safety-related and environmental information that is necessary to mitigate the effects of any accidental event;

      • [...]

      • [...]

        (e) details of all mutual aid agreements entered into with other operators;

    • [...]

      (3) In the case of a drilling program or a production project, the contingency plan must also include a description of the source control and containment measures to be taken to stop uncontrolled flow from a well and to minimize the duration and environmental effects of any resulting spill, as well as the following documents and information:

      • [...]

      • [...]

        (c) the schedule and plan for the mobilization, deployment and operation of the source control and containment equipment, including measures to minimize deployment time that take required regulatory approvals into account;

      • [...]

        (d) details regarding the accessibility of the source control and containment equipment and the documents and information referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c);

      • [...]

        (e) an explanation of the adequacy of each of the source control and containment measures; and

    • [...]

      (4) If a spill-treating agent is being considered for use as a spill response measure, the contingency plan must include the following additional documents and information:

      • [...]

      • [...]

        (c) a description of the circumstances under which the spill-treating agent will be used and the estimated period within which its use will be effective;

      • [...]

      • [...]

        (e) a list of the personnel roles, equipment and materials that an operator will have available for the purpose of using the spill-treating agent, including any to be provided through contractual arrangements, and a description of the requirements that must be met for those contracts to be activated; and

    • [...]

    • [...]

      Marginal note:Definition of source control and containment equipment

      (8) In this section, source control and containment equipment means the capping stack, containment dome, any subsea and surface equipment, devices or vessels and any relief well drilling installations that are used to contain and control a spill source and to minimize the duration of a spill and its environmental effects until well control is regained.

  5. Canada–Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area Petroleum Operations Framework Regulations - SOR/2024-25 (Section 11)


    Marginal note:Contingency plan
    • [...]

    • [...]

      (2) The contingency plan must include the following documents and information:

      • [...]

      • [...]

        (c) a description of the procedures for accessing safety-related and environmental information that is necessary to mitigate the effects of any accidental event;

      • [...]

      • [...]

        (e) details of all mutual aid agreements entered into with other operators;

    • [...]

      (3) In the case of a drilling program or a production project, the contingency plan must also include a description of the source control and containment measures to be taken to stop uncontrolled flow from a well and to minimize the duration and environmental effects of any resulting spill, as well as the following documents and information:

      • [...]

      • [...]

        (c) the schedule and plan for the mobilization, deployment and operation of the source control and containment equipment, including measures to minimize deployment time that take required regulatory approvals into account;

      • [...]

        (d) details regarding the accessibility of the source control and containment equipment and the documents and information referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c);

      • [...]

        (e) an explanation of the adequacy of each of the source control and containment measures; and

    • [...]

      (4) If a spill-treating agent is being considered for use as a spill response measure, the contingency plan must include the following additional documents and information:

      • [...]

      • [...]

        (c) a description of the circumstances under which the spill-treating agent will be used and the estimated period within which its use will be effective;

      • [...]

      • [...]

        (e) a list of the personnel roles, equipment and materials that an operator will have available for the purpose of using the spill-treating agent, including any to be provided through contractual arrangements, and a description of the requirements that must be met for those contracts to be activated; and

    • [...]

    • [...]

      Marginal note:Definition of source control and containment equipment

      (8) In this section, source control and containment equipment means the capping stack, containment dome, any subsea and surface equipment, devices or vessels and any relief well drilling installations that are used to contain and control a spill source and to minimize the duration of a spill and its environmental effects until well control is regained.



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