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  1. Freshwater Fish Marketing Act - R.S.C., 1985, c. F-13 (Section 22)
    Marginal note:Corporation to undertake interprovincial and export marketing of fish
    •  (1) Subject to section 20, the Corporation has the exclusive right to trade in and to market fish in interprovincial and export trade and shall exercise that right, either by itself or by its agents, with the object of

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      • (c) promoting international markets for, and increasing interprovincial and export trade in, fish.

    • Marginal note:Corporation to buy all fish offered

      (2) All fish lawfully fished by a fisherman and offered by the fisherman for sale to the Corporation for disposal in interprovincial or export trade shall be bought by the Corporation from the fisherman on such terms and conditions and for such price as may be agreed on by the Corporation and the fisherman subject to any applicable scheme for payment established and operated by the Corporation pursuant to section 23.


  2. Freshwater Fish Marketing Act - R.S.C., 1985, c. F-13

    Interprovincial and Export Trade

  3. Freshwater Fish Marketing Act - R.S.C., 1985, c. F-13

    PART IIIRegulation of Interprovincial and Export Trade

  4. Freshwater Fish Marketing Act - R.S.C., 1985, c. F-13 (Section 24)

    Definition of province to which this section applies

    • [...]

    • (2) With the approval of the Governor in Council, the Minister may, on behalf of the Government of Canada, enter into an agreement with the government of any province to which this section applies, providing for

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      • (b) the performance by the Corporation, on behalf of the province, of functions relating to intraprovincial trade in fish;


  5. Freshwater Fish Marketing Act - R.S.C., 1985, c. F-13 (Section 20)
    Marginal note:Trade in fish


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