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  1. Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve of Canada Snowshoe Hare Regulations - SOR/2004-301 (Section 1)

     The definitions in this section apply in these Regulations.


    Act means the Canada National Parks Act. (Loi)

    Chief Executive Officer

    Chief Executive Officer has the same meaning as in subsection 2(1) of the Parks Canada Agency Act. (directeur général)


    possession has the same meaning as in subsection 4(3) of the Criminal Code. (possession)


    snare means the act of capturing or attempting to capture an animal using a snare. (chasse au collet)

    snare permit

    snare permit means a permit issued under section 8. (permis de chasse au collet)


    superintendent means a person appointed under the Parks Canada Agency Act who holds the office of superintendent of the park reserve, and includes any other person appointed under that Act who is authorized by that person to act on their behalf. (directeur)

  2. Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve of Canada Snowshoe Hare Regulations - SOR/2004-301 (Section 2)
    •  (1) Subject to section 40 of the Act, these Regulations apply to the park reserve.

    • (2) In the event of an inconsistency between these Regulations and any other regulation made under the Act, these Regulations prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

  3. Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve of Canada Snowshoe Hare Regulations - SOR/2004-301

    Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to section 17 of the Canada National Parks ActFootnote a, hereby makes the annexed Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve of Canada Snowshoe Hare Regulations.


  4. Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve of Canada Snowshoe Hare Regulations - SOR/2004-301 (Section 9)
    •  (1) Every snare permit shall contain the name and date of birth of the permit holder, the address of their permanent residence, and

      • [...]

      • (b) a description of the duties of the permit holder as set out in sections 12 to 14;

      • (c) a statement that contravention of a condition of the permit constitutes an offence under subsection 24(3) of the Act; and

      • (d) any standard conditions that are specified by the superintendent, in accordance with sections 15 to 17, in respect of



  5. Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve of Canada Snowshoe Hare Regulations - SOR/2004-301 (Section 20)
    •  (1) Any person to whom the superintendent has refused to issue a snare permit, or whose snare permit has been suspended or revoked by the superintendent, may request a review of the superintendent's decision by submitting a request in writing to the Chief Executive Officer within 30 days after receipt by that person of the notice referred to in section 19.

    • (2) On receipt of the written request for review, the Chief Executive Officer shall require that the superintendent issue or reinstate the snare permit if the Chief Executive Officer reaches a decision that differs from the superintendent's decision with respect

      • (a) in the case of a refusal, to the requirements and matters to be considered under sections 7 and 8; and

      • (b) in the case of a suspension or revocation, to the reasons referred to in section 18.

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