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  1. Supreme Court of Yukon Summary Conviction Appeal Rules, 2009 - SI/2012-64 (FORM 1 : Supreme Court of Yukon)



    • [...]

    • 3 Section(s) of Criminal Code or other Act, and the offence(s) which the appellant was convicted/acquitted of at trial



  2. Supreme Court of Yukon Summary Conviction Appeal Rules, 2009 - SI/2012-64 (Section 5)
    •  (1) An appellant who wishes a new trial under s. 822(4) of the Criminal Code must apply to the Appeal Court within thirty (30) days of filing and serving the notice of appeal.

  3. Supreme Court of Yukon Summary Conviction Appeal Rules, 2009 - SI/2012-64 (Section 4)
    •  (1) Within fifteen (15) days of being notified of the appeal by the Clerk of the Appeal Court, the clerk of the Territorial Court shall comply with the provisions of the Criminal Code requiring the transmission to the Appeal Court of the conviction, acquittal, sentence or order, and any other material relevant to the appeal.

  4. Supreme Court of Yukon Summary Conviction Appeal Rules, 2009 - SI/2012-64 (Section 1)

     In these Rules


    Appeal means an appeal from the Territorial Court of Yukon pursuant to the Summary Convictions Part of the Criminal Code. (appel)

  5. Supreme Court of Yukon Summary Conviction Appeal Rules, 2009 - SI/2012-64 (FORM 4 : Supreme Court of Yukon)



    THIS APPLICATION IS BASED UPON: (specify the Chartersection, statutory authority or other law upon which the application is based)


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