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  1. Notices of Deposit Restrictions (Authorized Foreign Banks) Regulations - SOR/99-279 (Section 3)
    •  (1) An authorized foreign bank that is not subject to the restrictions and requirements referred to in subsection 524(2) of the Act shall include in each of its advertisements in which it offers deposit facilities or solicits deposits notices to inform the public that deposits with the authorized foreign bank are not insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation.

    • (2) A notice referred to in subsection (1) shall appear prominently in the advertisement in which it is included.

  2. Disclosure of Interest (Authorized Foreign Banks) Regulations - SOR/99-272 (Section 6)

     For the purposes of section 561 of the Act, in all advertisements in respect of interest-bearing deposits or debt obligations, an authorized foreign bank shall disclose how the amount of interest applicable to each deposit and debt obligation is to be calculated by means of a statement in the advertisement that clearly discloses


  3. Indian Oil and Gas Regulations, 1995 - SOR/94-753 (Section 10)
    • [...]

    • (3) A call for tenders made pursuant to paragraph (2)(a) shall be made jointly by the band council and the Executive Director by public advertisement, or by such other method as they consider advisable, in respect of each parcel of land for which a permit, lease or option is to be granted and shall


    • [...]

    • (5) A call for proposals made pursuant to paragraph (2)(b) shall be made jointly by the band council and the Executive Director by public advertisement, or by such other method as they consider advisable, and shall


  4. Disclosure of Interest (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations - SOR/92-322 (Section 6)

     For the purposes of section 428 of the Act, in all advertisements in respect of interest-bearing deposits or debt obligations, a company shall disclose how the amount of interest applicable to each deposit and debt obligation is to be calculated by means of a statement in the advertisement that clearly discloses


  5. Disclosure of Interest (Banks) Regulations - SOR/92-321 (Section 6)

     For the purposes of section 442 of the Act, in all advertisements in respect of interest-bearing deposits or debt obligations, a bank shall disclose how the amount of interest applicable to each deposit and debt obligation is to be calculated by means of a statement in the advertisement that clearly discloses




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