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  1. Disclosure of Interest (Retail Associations) Regulations - SOR/2003-298 (Section 5)
    Marginal note:Manner of disclosure

     A retail association shall, in all advertisements referred to in section 385.08 of the Act, disclose how the amount of interest is to be calculated by means of a statement in the advertisement that clearly sets out


  2. Cost of Borrowing (Retail Associations) Regulations - SOR/2002-263 (Section 21)

     A retail association that advertises a credit card in an advertisement that makes a representation of the annual interest rate, or the amount of any payment or of any non-interest charge, in relation to the loan must disclose the annual rate of interest on the date of the advertisement and any initial or periodic non-interest charges at least as prominently as the representation and in the same manner, whether visually or aurally, or both.

  3. Cost of Borrowing (Retail Associations) Regulations - SOR/2002-263 (Section 20)

     A retail association that advertises a loan involving a line of credit in an advertisement that makes a representation of the annual interest rate, or the amount of any payment or of any non-interest charge, in relation to the loan must disclose the annual rate of interest on the date of the advertisement and any initial or periodic non-interest charges at least as prominently as the representation and in the same manner, whether visually or aurally, or both.

  4. Cost of Borrowing (Retail Associations) Regulations - SOR/2002-263 (Section 19)
    •  (1) A retail association that advertises a loan involving a fixed amount of credit in an advertisement that makes a representation of the interest rate, or the amount of any payment or of any non-interest charge, in relation to the loan must disclose the APR and the term of the loan. The APR must be provided at least as prominently as the representation and in the same manner, whether visually or aurally, or both.

    • (2) If the APR or the term of the loan is not the same for all loans to which the advertisement relates, the disclosure must be based on an example of a loan that fairly depicts all those loans and is identified as a representative example of them.

  5. Cost of Borrowing (Authorized Foreign Banks) Regulations - SOR/2002-262 (Section 21)

     An authorized foreign bank that advertises a credit card in an advertisement that makes a representation of the annual interest rate, or the amount of any payment or of any non-interest charge, in relation to the loan must disclose the annual rate of interest on the date of the advertisement and any initial or periodic non-interest charges at least as prominently as the representation and in the same manner, whether visually or aurally, or both.



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