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  1. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section C.01.012)

     A manufacturer who makes representations on a label of a drug in oral dosage form, or in any advertisement, with respect to the site, rate or extent of release to the body of a medicinal ingredient of the drug, or the availability to the body of a medicinal ingredient of the drug, shall


  2. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section C.01.009)

     If any Act of Parliament or any of its regulations prescribes a standard or grade for a drug and that standard or grade is given a name or designation in the Act or regulation, no person shall, on a label of or in any advertisement for that drug, use that name or designation unless the drug conforms with the standard or grade.


  3. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section C.01.007)

     No reference, direct or indirect, to the Act or to these Regulations shall be made upon any label of or in any advertisement for a drug unless such reference is a specific requirement of the Act or these Regulations.

  4. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.25.059)

     No person shall, on the label of or in any advertisement for a human milk substitute or a food represented as containing a human milk substitute, make any statement or claim relating to the content in the food of


  5. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.25.048)
    •  (1) No person shall sell or advertise for sale a human milk substitute that has undergone a major change unless the manufacturer of the human milk substitute, at least 90 days before the sale or advertisement, notifies the Minister in writing of the intention to sell or advertise for sale the human milk substitute.




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