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  1. Broadcasting Distribution Regulations - SOR/97-555 (Section 1)

     The definitions in this section apply in these Regulations.

    commercial message

    commercial message  means an advertisement that is intended to sell or promote goods, a service or an activity, directly or indirectly, or an announcement that mentions or displays in a list of prizes the name of the person selling or promoting those goods or that service or activity. (message publicitaire)


  2. Patent Rules - SOR/96-423 (SCHEDULE II : Tariff of Fees)




    Column I Column II
    Item Description Fee
    17 On requesting an advertisement of an application under subsection 65(1) of the Act in the Canadian Patent Office Record in accordance with subsection 68(2) of the Act 200.00


  3. Trade-marks Regulations - SOR/96-195

    Advertisement of Application for Registration

  4. Trade-marks Regulations - SOR/96-195 (Section 32)

     No application for the registration of a trade-mark may be amended, after it has been advertised in the Journal, to change

    • [...]

    • (e) the statement of wares or services so as to be broader than the statement of wares or services contained in the application at the time of advertisement.


  5. Trade-marks Regulations - SOR/96-195 (Section 16)

     Every advertisement of an application published pursuant to subsection 37(1) of the Act shall set out




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