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  1. Trade-marks Regulations - SOR/96-195 (Section 15)

     The Registrar shall publish, on a weekly basis, the Journal, which shall include

    • (a) every advertisement made pursuant to subsection 37(1) of the Act;

  2. Canadian Telecommunications Common Carrier Ownership and Control Regulations - SOR/94-667 (Section 8)
    • [...]

    • (2) Where the board of a Canadian carrier has information concerning the beneficial ownership, or control, of the Canadian carrier that causes the board to believe that the Canadian carrier is not eligible to operate pursuant to section 16 of the Act and the Canadian carrier intends to take further action pursuant to these Regulations, the Canadian carrier shall, in respect of its voting shares that are publicly traded, immediately make a public announcement to this effect, whether by press release, newspaper advertisement or by any other manner that is reasonably expected to inform the markets in which voting shares are traded, and shall immediately forward a copy of the announcement to the Commission.

  3. Name Use (Cooperative Credit Associations) Regulations - SOR/92-260 (Section 2)

     A person may use the name of an association in a prospectus, an offering memorandum, a takeover bid circular, an advertisement for a transaction related to securities or in any other document in connection with a transaction related to securities where the use is required by law or the association has given its express written permission for the use.

  4. Name Use (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations - SOR/92-257 (Section 2)

     A person may use the name of a company in a prospectus, an offering memorandum, a takeover bid circular, an advertisement for a transaction related to securities or in any other document in connection with a transaction related to securities where the use is required by law or the Company has given its express written permission for the use.

  5. Hibernia Development Project Offshore Application Regulations - SOR/90-774 (SCHEDULE II)


    Column I Column II
    Item Act of Newfoundland Modifications or Additions
    1 The Assignment of Book Debts Act


    • [...]

    • (3) Section 14 is repealed and the following substituted therefor:

      “14  Subject to the rights of other persons accrued by reason of any omission or misstatement referred to in this section, a judge of the Supreme Court, on being satisfied that any omission or misstatement in any document filed under this Act was accidental or due to inadvertence or impossibility or other sufficient cause, may, in the judge’s discretion, order the omission or misstatement to be rectified on such terms and conditions, if any, as to security, notice by advertisement or otherwise, or as to any other matter or thing as the judge thinks fit to direct, and the order or a copy thereof shall be annexed to the assignment on file or tendered for registration and appropriate entries shall be made in the register.”



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