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  1. Promotion of Tobacco Products and Accessories Regulations (Prohibited Terms) - SOR/2011-178 (Section 4)
    Marginal note:No advertising of product with terms

     A person must not promote a bidi, cigarette, kretek, little cigar or tobacco stick, or cigarette tobacco, cigarette papers, tubes or filters by using the term “light” or “mild” in an advertisement of the tobacco product.

  2. Student Employment Programs Participants Regulations - SOR/2010-148 (Section 5)

     A participant appointed to the public service under the student employment program is not eligible to participate in an internal appointment process unless it is advertised and the following conditions are met:

    • [...]

    • (c) the participant is able to demonstrate that they are capable of completing, within the period indicated in the advertisement for the appointment process, the post-secondary education program or vocational training program in which they were registered at the time of their most recent appointment under the student employment program.

  3. Name Use in Securities-related Transactions (Insurance Companies and Insurance Holding Companies) Regulations - SOR/2001-410 (Section 1)
    Marginal note:Use of name of company or insurance holding company

     A person may use the name of a company or of an insurance holding company in a prospectus, offering memorandum, takeover bid circular, advertisement for a transaction related to securities or in any other document in connection with a transaction related to securities if the use is required by law or if the company or insurance holding company, as the case may be, has given its written permission for the use.

  4. Name Use in Securities-related Transactions (Banks and Bank Holding Companies) Regulations - SOR/2001-409 (Section 1)
    Marginal note:Use of name of bank or bank holding company

     A person may use the name of a bank or of a bank holding company in a prospectus, offering memorandum, takeover bid circular, advertisement for a transaction related to securities or in any other document in connection with a transaction related to securities if the use is required by law or if the bank or bank holding company, as the case may be, has given its written permission for the use.

  5. Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001 - SOR/2001-269 (Section 15)
    Marginal note:Containers and packaging
    •  (1) Subject to section 16, the information required by these Regulations must be displayed in the manner set out in these Regulations

      • (a) on each container that is displayed to the consumer, other than in an advertisement; and




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