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  1. Indian Band Election Regulations - C.R.C., c. 952 (Section 11.1)
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    • (2) An accelerated election shall be held in accordance with sections 4 to 11 for the election of chief of a band whose reserve consists of more than one electoral section, or for the election of chief or councillor of any other band, subject to the following changes:

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      • (c) at least seven days before the day on which a nomination meeting is to be held, the electoral officer shall

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        • (ii) give notice of the nomination meeting, and of the manner in which nominations may be made, by publishing an advertisement in the local newspaper with the largest circulation;


  2. Disposal of Forfeited Goods and Chattels Regulations - C.R.C., c. 948 (Section 3)

     Goods and chattels forfeited to Her Majesty pursuant to the provisions of subsection 103(3) of the Act shall be sold at public auction following advertisement published in such local papers as the Minister may designate.

  3. Cosmetic Regulations - C.R.C., c. 869 (Section 21)
    •  (1) No manufacturer shall make any claim on a label of or in an advertisement for a cosmetic respecting either of the following, unless the manufacturer has evidence that validates the claim:



  4. Cosmetic Regulations - C.R.C., c. 869 (Section 17)

     No reference, direct or indirect, to the Act or these Regulations shall be made on any label or in any advertisement of a cosmetic unless the reference is a specific requirement of the Act or these Regulations.

  5. Cosmetic Regulations - C.R.C., c. 869 (Section 12)

     No person shall sell a cosmetic if any label or advertisement of the cosmetic contains any symbol or statement that implies that the cosmetic has been compounded in accordance with a prescription.



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