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  1. Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances Regulations - SOR/2000-217 (Section 1)

     The following definitions apply in these Regulations.


    advertisement, in respect of a targeted substance, includes any representation by any means for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, the sale or other disposal of the targeted substance. (publicité)


  2. Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations - SOR/2000-187 (SCHEDULE 1)



    Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
    Item Provision of Health of Animals Regulations Short-form Description Classification
    230 135(2) Misrepresent a veterinary biologic in an advertisement Serious


  3. Corded Window Coverings Regulations - SOR/2019-97 (Section 9)


    Marginal note:Reference to Canada Consumer Product Safety Act or Regulations

     Information that appears on a corded window covering, that accompanies one or that is in any advertisement for one must not make any direct or indirect reference to the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act or these Regulations.

  4. Vaping Products Promotion Regulations - SOR/2020-143 (Section 19)


    Marginal note:Presentation of health warning

     The health warning must be centred in the display area, oriented parallel to the upper limit of the visual advertisement, and must occupy not less than 60% and not more than 70% of the display area.

  5. Vaping Products Promotion Regulations - SOR/2020-143 (Section 17)


    Marginal note:Requirement — rectangular border
    • [...]

       (1) Required information that is conveyed in visual advertising must be enclosed within a rectangular border that must be displayed on the display area in such a manner that it demarcates the information from any other information displayed on the advertisement.



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