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  1. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.02.040)

     [S]. Hollands, Hollands Gin, Geneva, Geneva Gin, Genever, Genever Gin or Dutch-type Gin

    • [...]

    • (e) shall be described on the principal display panel of its label and in any advertisements as blended gin, where subparagraph (a)(iii) is complied with.


  2. Notices of Uninsured Deposits Regulations (Banks) - SOR/99-388

    Notices in Advertisements

  3. Notices of Uninsured Deposits Regulations (Banks) - SOR/99-388 (Section 3)

     The notice required under paragraph 413.1(2)(b) of the Bank Act shall be in the form set out in subsection 2(1) and shall appear prominently in advertisements in which the bank offers deposit facilities or solicits deposits.


  4. Notices of Deposit Restrictions (Authorized Foreign Banks) Regulations - SOR/99-279

    Notices in Advertisements

  5. Mutual Company (Life Insurance) Conversion Regulations - SOR/99-128 (Section 7)
    •  (1) Subject to subsection (2) and section 11, the notice of a special meeting referred to in paragraph 237(1.2)(a) of the Act shall include

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      • (s) a description of any measures, including the establishment of toll-free lines and internet sites, the holding of information sessions, and the placement of advertisements in widely circulated publications, that the converting company has taken or will take before holding a special meeting, to provide eligible policyholders with information about the proposed conversion and an opportunity to raise questions or concerns about the proposed conversion;




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