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  1. Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Deposit Insurance Information By-law - SOR/96-542

    Representations in Advertisements

  2. Air Transportation Regulations - SOR/88-58

    Payment of Benefits and Advertisements of an ABC Prohibited

  3. Television Broadcasting Regulations, 1987 - SOR/87-49 (Section 8)

     During an election period, a licensee shall allocate time for the broadcasting of programs, advertisements or announcements of a partisan political character on an equitable basis to all accredited political parties and rival candidates represented in the election or referendum.

  4. Radio Regulations, 1986 - SOR/86-982 (Section 6)

     During an election period, a licensee shall allocate time for the broadcasting of programs, advertisements or announcements of a partisan political character on an equitable basis to all accredited political parties and rival candidates represented in the election or referendum.

  5. National Historic Parks General Regulations - SOR/82-263




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