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  1. Notices of Uninsured Deposits Regulations (Trust and Loan Companies) - SOR/2008-64 (Section 3)

     The notice required under paragraph 413.1(2)(b) of the Trust and Loan Companies Act shall be in the form set out in subsection 2(1) and shall appear prominently in advertisements in which the company offers deposit facilities or solicits deposits.

  2. Legal Deposit of Publications Regulations - SOR/2006-337 (Section 4)

     The following classes of publications are those in respect of which the obligation to provide two copies under subsection 10(1) of the Act applies only on a written request from the Librarian and Archivist:

    • [...]

    • (h) trade catalogues, advertisements, promotional material, prospectuses and price lists;

  3. Indian Estates Regulations - C.R.C., c. 954 (Section 13)

     Where heirs are found upon due inquiry to be absent or missing and notices or advertisements have been given or published in accordance with these Regulations, the moneys or assets in an estate to which they might be entitled shall be held in a special account, without interest, and unless evidence of death satisfactory to the Minister is filed or obtained, shall be held for a period of seven years after which the absent or missing heirs who have not reported by such time shall be presumed to be dead and the moneys or assets distributed accordingly to the remaining heirs or persons entitled thereto.

  4. Consumer Packaging and Labelling Regulations - C.R.C., c. 417


  5. Corded Window Coverings Regulations - SOR/2019-97 (Section 15)
    Marginal note:Warning

     The following warning or its equivalent must appear on every corded window covering, the packaging of the corded window covering, any accompanying instructions and all of the advertisements for the corded window covering:




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