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  1. Air Transportation Regulations - SOR/88-58 (Section 2)

     In these Regulations and Part II of the Act,

    air crew

    air crew means the flight crew and one or more persons who, under the authority of an air carrier, perform in-flight duties in the passenger cabin of an aircraft of the air carrier; (personnel d’aéronef)

    back-to-back flights

    back-to-back flights [Repealed, SOR/96-335, s. 1]

    charter flight

    charter flight means a flight that originates in a foreign country and is destined to Canada or originates in Canada and is destined to another country and that is operated according to a charter contract or arrangement for one-way or round-trip transportation of passengers or goods; (vol affrété)

    flight crew

    flight crew means one or more persons acting as pilot-in-command, second officer, co-pilot, flight navigator or flight engineer during flight time; (équipage)

    goods charter

    goods charter  means a charter flight that originates in a foreign country and is destined to Canada or originates in Canada and is destined to another country and that is operated according to a charter contract or arrangement to carry goods; (vol affrété de marchandises)


    MCTOW means the maximum certificated take-off weight for aircraft as shown in the aircraft flight manual referred to in the aircraft’s Certificate of Airworthiness issued by the competent Canadian or foreign authority; (MMHD)

    passenger foreign origin charter

    passenger foreign origin charter  means a charter flight that originates in a foreign country and is destined to Canada and that is operated according to a charter contract or arrangement for the transportation of passengers; (vol affrété de passagers en provenance d’un pays étranger)

    passenger non-resaleable charter

    passenger non-resaleable charter  means a charter flight that originates in Canada and is destined to another country, that is operated according to a charter contract or arrangement and that engages an aircraft on which the passenger seating capacity is not for resale to the public; (vol affrété de passagers non revendable)

    passenger resaleable charter

    passenger resaleable charter  means a charter flight that originates in Canada and is destined to another country, that is operated according to a charter contract or arrangement and that engages an aircraft on which the passenger seating capacity is chartered for resale to the public; (vol affrété de passagers revendable)

    third party liability

    third party liability  means legal liability of an air carrier, arising from the air carrier’s operation, ownership or possession of an aircraft, for

    • (a) injury to or death of persons other than the air carrier’s passengers or air crew; and


  2. Air Transportation Regulations - SOR/88-58 (Section 8.5)
    • [...]

    • (2) The licensee shall give notification that the air service referred to in subsection (1) is being operated using an aircraft and a flight crew provided by another person, and shall identify that person and specify the aircraft type


    • [...]

    • (5) Where an approval is required by subsection 8.2(1) or an acknowledgement is required by paragraph 8.3(1)(b), the licensee may give the notification referred to in subsection (2) before receipt of the approval or acknowledgement if the notification contains a statement that the provision of the air service using all or part of an aircraft, with a flight crew, provided by a person other than the licensee is subject to the consent of the Agency.


  3. Air Transportation Regulations - SOR/88-58

    Provision of Aircraft with Flight Crew

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