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  1. Air Transportation Regulations - SOR/88-58 (Section 18)

     Every scheduled international licence and non-scheduled international licence is subject to the following conditions:

    • [...]

    • (c) the licensee shall not operate an international service, or represent by advertisement or otherwise the licensee as operating such a service, under a name other than that specified in the licence.


  2. Air Transportation Regulations - SOR/88-58 (Section 18)
    •  (1) Every scheduled international licence and non-scheduled international licence is subject to the following conditions:

      • [...]

      • (c) the licensee shall not operate an international service, or represent by advertisement or otherwise the licensee as operating such a service, under a name other than that specified in the licence.


  3. Air Transportation Regulations - SOR/88-58

    Payment of Benefits and Advertisements of an ABC Prohibited

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