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  1. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.01.311)
    •  (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), no person shall, on the label of or in any advertisement for a food, make a representation, express or implied, concerning the action or effect of the food’s energy value or of a nutrient contained in the food.

    • (2) The label of or advertisement for a food may carry a statement or claim set out in column 1 of the table following section B.01.603.

    • (3) Subject to section B.01.312, the label of or advertisement for a food may carry a statement or claim to the effect that the food’s energy value or a nutrient contained in the food is generally recognized as an aid in maintaining the functions of the body necessary to the maintenance of good health and normal growth and development.


  2. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.01.305)
    •  (1) No person shall, on the label of or in any advertisement for a food, make a representation, express or implied, respecting a protein unless the food meets the conditions set out in column 2 of item 8 of the Table of Permitted Nutrient Content Statements and Claims for the subject “source of protein” set out in column 1.

    • (2) No person shall, on the label of or in any advertisement for a food, other than a supplemented food, make a representation, express or implied, respecting an amino acid unless

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      • (b) the label or advertisement includes a declaration of the amount of histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine contained in the food, expressed in grams per serving of stated size.


  3. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.29.002)
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    • (4) If the information in respect of six or more of the energy value and nutrients referred to in column 1 of items 2 to 5 and 7 to 15 of the table to this section may be expressed as “0” in the supplemented food facts table in accordance with this section, the supplemented food facts table need only include the following information:

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      • (f) the amount of any nutrient that is the subject of a representation on the label of the supplemented food, or in any advertisement for the supplemented food that is made or placed by or on the direction of the manufacturer of the supplemented food, if the representation expressly or implicitly indicates that the supplemented food has particular nutritional or health-related properties, including any statement or claim set out in column 4 of the Table of Permitted Nutrient Content Statements and Claims or column 1 of the table following section B.01.603 or referred to in section B.01.311, D.01.006 or D.02.004;

    • (5) The supplemented food facts table of a supplemented food that is a single-serving prepackaged product need only include the following information:

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      • (f) the amount of any nutrient that is the subject of a representation on the label of the supplemented food, or in any advertisement for the supplemented food that is made or placed by or on the direction of the manufacturer of the supplemented food, if the representation expressly or implicitly indicates that the supplemented food has particular nutritional or health-related properties, including any statement or claim set out in column 4 of the Table of Permitted Nutrient Content Statements and Claims or column 1 of the table following section B.01.603 or referred to in section B.01.311, D.01.006 or D.02.004;


  4. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section G.06.004)

     It is prohibited to

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    • (b) publish any written advertisement respecting a controlled drug unless that advertisement displays the following symbol in a clear and conspicuous colour and size in the upper left quarter of its first page:


  5. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.24.205)
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    • (2) No person shall, on a label of or in an advertisement for a prepackaged meal or meal replacement for use in a weight reduction diet, or a food to be sold in a weight reduction clinic, make any direct or indirect reference to a vitamin or mineral supplement.

    • (3) Every person who advertises a prepackaged meal or meal replacement for use in a weight reduction diet, or a food to be sold in a weight reduction clinic, shall include in the advertisement the statement “USEFUL IN WEIGHT REDUCTION ONLY AS PART OF AN ENERGY-REDUCED DIET / UTILE POUR PERDRE DU POIDS SEULEMENT DANS LE CADRE D’UN RÉGIME À TENEUR RÉDUITE EN ÉNERGIE”.


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