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  1. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.01.401)
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    • (3) Despite paragraphs (2)(a) and (b), subsection (1) applies to a prepackaged product if

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      • (e) the label of the product, or any advertisement for the product that is made or placed by or on the direction of the manufacturer of the product, contains


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    • (5) The label of, or an advertisement for, a formulated liquid diet, human milk fortifier, human milk substitute, food represented as containing a human milk substitute, meal replacement, nutritional supplement, food represented for use in a very low energy diet or supplemented food shall not contain a nutrition facts table or the phrase “nutrition facts”, “valeur nutritive” or “valeurs nutritives”.


  2. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.01.301)
    •  (1) No person shall, on the label of or in any advertisement for a food, other than in the nutrition facts table or supplemented food facts table, if any, include a declaration of the food’s energy value or the amount of a nutrient or supplemental ingredient contained in the food unless it is declared in the following manner, per serving of stated size:


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    • (2) Despite subsection (1), a person may, on the label of or in any advertisement for a food, other than in the nutrition facts table or supplemented food facts table, if any, include a declaration of the percentage of the daily value of a nutrient contained in the food if



  3. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.01.054)
    •  (1) In order to generate information in support of an amendment to the Regulations, the Minister may issue to the manufacturer or distributor of a food, where the food or the packaging, labelling or advertising of the food does not comply with the requirements of these Regulations, a Temporary Marketing Authorization Letter that authorizes the sale of the food described therein or the packaging, labelling or advertising of the food described therein for a specified period of time, within a designated area and in a specified quantity, in the manner specified in the Letter if

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      • (b) the manufacturer or distributor of the food has agreed to

        • (i) describe the food on a label or in an advertisement in a manner that is not false, misleading or deceptive,

        • (ii) use such marks or statements on the label or in any advertisement as the Minister may require,


  4. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.01.013)
    •  (1) Unless specifically required by the Act or these Regulations, no reference, direct or indirect, to the Act or to these Regulations shall be made on any label of, or in any advertisement for, a food.

    • (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), where a food complies with a standard established by these Regulations and the manufacturer of the food has substantiated, by means of the results of tests carried out before the statement is made or by other evidence that exists before the statement is made, that the food so complies, a statement that the food “complies with the standard for (naming the common name of the food in respect of which the claim is made) in the Food and Drug Regulations” may be made on the label of, or in an advertisement for, the food.


  5. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.29.028)
    •  (1) Despite anything in these Regulations, if the label of a supplemented food is required to carry the statement “high caffeine content” in accordance with column 5 of the List of Permitted Supplemental Ingredients, it is prohibited to make a representation, express or implied, on the label of or in any advertisement for the supplemented food with respect to any vitamin or mineral nutrient contained in the supplemented food.


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